Page 81 of Making the Save
He laughed as he rolled me over onto my back.
Of all the kisses we’d had, this was my favorite. The laughing kiss.
It was slow and delicious. There was no rush or urgency. Just mouths and tongues and teeth. I could have kissed him for a lifetime. His hand at the back of my neck, my hands just running up and down his muscled chest, around his back, down his arms.
He was so hard everywhere. It was such a contrast to everything I knew as a woman. I could explore him for days.
“Alright, we’re going to set some rules,” he said, dipping his head to bite my earlobe.Aghh,why did that feel so good?
“More rules?” I asked, and did the same to his earlobe. Did he like it as much as I did? He must, because his hips thrust against me. God, he really was hard.
“More rules,” he repeated, his fingers in my hair. “Sex rules. You have to talk to me. No more deciding things on your own. It would kill me to hurt you again.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, running my hand over his head. His hair felt bristly one direction and like velvet the other, and wasn’t that just like him. “I promise non-stop talking. What else?”
“What I say goes.”
I laughed. “No way. You can try, but I think we both know, what I say goes.”
He pulled back, looking at me in outrage, but then it dawned on him. “Holy shit, you’re right.”
He rolled me so that I was on my back and almost in the same motion removed my t-shirt. Naked except for my pajama shorts, I felt a little exposed, but in a good way. Like I was being seen. Maybe for the first time ever, which was ridiculous for me, considering the costumes I wore in sold out concert venues.
Wyatt settled over me, spreading my thighs, so he could wedge himself in between them. He rested his chin between my breasts and gave me a wicked smile.
“Now lean back and close your eyes. And keep them closed.”
“Because I don’t want you thinking too much about what’s happening, I only want you to feel it. If you can’t keep them closed, I’m going to blindfold you.”
“Whoa! We’re getting out the blindfolds already?”
He gave me his don’t fuck with me face. “Syd, close your damn eyes,” he ordered.
So I did. He was right. In the darkness, I couldn’t think too much about anything. I could only feel. His beard brushing over my skin. His lips on my breasts, kissing them gently. He took my nipple into his mouth and it was gentle at first and then…not. He tugged and pulled and I gasped at the surprise of it. How rough it was and how…perfect. It was like there was a thread that connected them all the way down to my core.
“You like that?”
“I really do.”
I’d played with my breasts before. I’d been a virgin, but I knew how to make myself come. Maybe infrequently, because there never seemed to be enough time in the day, but this was different. I didn’t have control. Someone else was doing this to me and I just laid back and let it happen. I couldn’t gently slide into arousal.
I was plummeted into it. Like jumping off a cliff.
Wyatt moved to my other breast, biting down gently on my nipple, while his thumb and finger tweaked the other one. He moaned against my skin like he loved it too.
“I knew you’d be perfect. The perfect handful. The perfect mouthful.” He squeezed me. Sucked me. It was too much. It wasn’t quite enough. I thrust my hips up into him and he purposefully lifted himself so I wouldn’t make contact.
“Wyatt,” I whined. “Please…”
“Please what?”
“More,” I groaned, trying to pull his body back into mine.