Page 21 of For the Cameras
“Don’t think you’re going to have to wait long for that protein shake,” I told Charlie as I saw movement in the front yard. “Jax is outside.”
We were setting up for the first day of demolition. Demo days were the eye candy of home renovation shows, and I knew I was in for a long day of collecting static and handheld camera footage of the Fixer Brothers destroying walls and ripping out cabinets.
Charlie leaned his sledgehammer against the wall and jogged over toward the door, swinging it open as Jax walked up. “Look at you, strutting your stuff. You only get hotter every day.”
“Protein delivery,” Jax said with a smile. “Made one for myself, too. Going to hit the gym.”
“Of course you are, Mr. Perfect,” Charlie said.
They kissed as Jax arrived at the front door, and Charlie grabbed his drink.
Jax peeked his head in through the front door, glancing around. “Looking really good in here, guys. Time to demolish, huh?”
“I’ve got something you can demolish,” Charlie told Jax, running his palm along the front of his jersey shirt.
“For fuck’s sake, guys,” I said. “I love PDA, and I still think you two need to get a room.”
“Sorry, Chase,” Jax said to me while Charlie ignored me, leaning in and pressing one more kiss to Jax’s lips.
“Get out of here,” Charlie said. “Love you.”
“Love you, too,” Jax said, waving and heading back down the front path.
“Oh, there’s Nathan and Shawn,” Charlie said as a Fixer Brothers van pulled up out front. “Going to help them grab the pry bars, and I’ll be back in a few.”
I leaned my head against the cool surface of the wall next to me, taking a breath. I knew if could make it through the morning, my hangover would improve. When I’d arrived, Charlie had told me that Adam was upstairs, getting ready to head out and drive to his company’s office. He usually worked from home, but today that would be pretty much impossible with the construction noise.
I pulled out my phone, checking through all of the notifications I’d ignored last night while I was at trivia with Adam.
I lifted my eyebrow when I saw a notification on the OnlyShots app.
And when I opened it up and saw that it was a reply from Adam Dix himself, from last night—duringtrivia—every mischievous, horny little cell in my body did a twist, cutting right through my hangover.
AdamDix: You’re the sweetest, ChillyIcyBlue. Appreciate the continued support… and you know I’ll keep coming for you.
Well, hello to you too, Adam Dix, I thought, reading over the message another few times and liking it more and more.
My cock perked up immediately, and I was glad I’d checked my phone when I happened to have a moment to myself here in the living room, because holy fuck. I hadn’t expected any reply from him, and especially not one that ended like that.
There was also a notification for a private message, which I’d never gotten before on OnlyShots. I tapped on it and I swear my groinachedwhen I saw that it was from Adam, too.
The app didn’t allow people to message the video creators unless they messaged you first.
And Adam had reached out.
Without knowing it was me.
AdamDix: I just wanted to say thank you again for your support. I always love your comments.
The message had been sent a little while after Adam and I had gone home last night. He must have gotten home, gone on the app, and thought enough about my comments to take it to a private message.
Talk about catnip for my fucking cock.
I typed out a reply on my phone, feeling like I was getting away with something.
ChillyIcyBlue: Believe me when I tell you, the pleasure is mine. Nothing gets me off like your videos. Is that too much for me to say?