Page 65 of For the Cameras
“No shame in the fuckboy game,” Adam said, but his words sounded hollow. He was looking out his window and I couldn’t get a good read on his expression.
His comment stung a little.
I’d been called a “fuckboy” before. Hell, I’d probably even called myself one, at various times in the past. But something about it had been sitting wrong for me lately.
Fuckboys broke people’s hearts. Fuckboys were careless and thoughtless, and only wanted what was best for them.
That wasn’t ever what I did.
I was clear, honest, and forward.
About everything other than how much IcravedAdam, I supposed.
The car pulled up in front of Charlie’s house and the driver put it in park. I knew that soon, it wouldn’t be just me and Adam back here, and it made me feel some sort of pressure, a tension that I couldn’t ignore.
A quick burst of adrenaline shot through me, and I couldn’t hold back.
I slid over on the seat until my body was pressed up against Adam’s. His eyes widened in surprise, but the way he looked at me went straight to my heart.
I reached up, threading my hand behind his neck and pulling him in close.
I pressed my lips to his gently, but within a moment, he returned the kiss, his tongue sliding out against mine. I let out a tiny gasp as he leaned over even harder toward me, claiming my mouth and gently pulling on my lower lip with his teeth.
I moaned softly as his hand made its way under my jacket, squeezing at my waist.
“I’m not a fuckboy,” I murmured against his skin as he kissed lower, on my neck.
“Nothing wrong with whatever you are,” he said in a low voice. “I know you think I can’t handle you.”
I felt a flash inside me as if I’d just taken a shot of straight liquor.
“Maybe I can’t handleyou,” I whispered. “Sometimes you do things I don’t expect.”
“Like I said. You bring it out in me,” Adam said, sucking on my earlobe and making me groan. My cock got even harder in the process. “I can’t be shy when you kiss me. When you tell me that next time, I canfuckyou on camera. That there will be a ‘next time’ at all. Jesus Christ, Chase, are you trying to make me lose my mind before this dinner?”
“Sorry,” I murmured.
“Don’t be.”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement through the car windows. Charlie was walking down the front path of his house. I kissed Adam’s lips one last time and squeezed his thigh before moving away and straightening out my jacket.
What the hell was Idoing?
And why couldn’t I stop?
I smoothed out my hair and sat back in the middle of the seat as the driver opened the door for Charlie and he slid in next to me. I blinked up at him, feeling like he could read it all over my face.I just practically tongue-fucked Adam in the back of this car. And oh, welcome in, Charlie.
“Hey, you two,” Charlie said. “Ready for tonight? Am I the only one who has no idea what he’s doing at a fancy dinner?”
“You are not the only one,” I told him. “Adam is going to have to show us the ropes, here. He’s probably been to plenty of fancy business dinners.”
Adam still looked flustered. “Hey, Charlie. And no, just because I’ve been to these kinds of dinners doesn’t mean I knowhow to act at them,” he said. “You guys have seen me in public before. I’m like a malfunctioning robot.”
“I have no idea how to act at these things, either,” Charlie said, straightening his tie. “I’m going to try not to fuck it up for Shawn and Nathan, though. I know they want to work with this marketing guy. It would be so big for the company.”
“We’re not going to fuck it up,” I told them. “Emmett is a nice guy. He’s fancy and rich, sure, but his heart is in the right place, and he already loves the Fixer Brothers brand.”
“Until he sees this water on my suit,” Adam said. We both laughed, releasing a tension that had been building for the whole car ride.