Page 7 of For the Cameras
“I love it,” he said. “One of my favorite sci-fi movies.”
“I fucking love sci-fi movies,” I said. “I like all sorts of movies, butAlienis a cinematography inspiration for me. I also lovePlanet of the Vampires, which is a cheesy film that came before it that people say inspired Ridley Scott.”
“You likePlanet of the Vampires?” Adam asked, his eyes going wide. “Most people have never heard of that movie.”
“You’ve seen it?” I asked, incredulous.
“I re-watched it just a couple of months ago,” Adam said. “Like I said, I’m kind of a sci-fi nerd. Which is embarrassing to admit, but it’s true.”
“Nothing embarrassing about that at all,” I said.
I felt like someone had just popped me into some alternate universe. Not only was Adam actually even hotter in real life, he was also smart, shy, and really cool, apparently.
I flirted with hot guys all the time, but this was something completely different. I felt like I wanted to drag Adam to the side and spend a few hours talking to him, not just drag him off to my bed. That was a strange feeling.
“I’m going to go see that showing ofAlienat the theater with a couple friends this weekend, if you want to join us,” I offered.
He cleared his throat. “Oh. Wow. I usually go to movies alone. And I’m not sure if I’ll need to catch up on work this weekend.”
I gave him a polite nod. “I get it. Introverts gotta introvert, sometimes. No pressure. Say hi to me if you do see me there, though? Promise I’ll share some Junior Mints.”
“I think we need to start rolling cameras,” Flynn, our director, called out as he came in holding one of our huge Red camera rigs. “Chase, you have your shots set up?”
I’d almost forgotten I was here to actually do a job.
“Yes. I’ve got the perfect wide angle over here,” I told Flynn. “Ready whenever you are.”
Carla appeared at Adam’s side. “Let’s get you over here in front of Chase’s camera for one minute. I’m going to put a bit of powder on your face for the cameras, because the lights can be intense on the skin.”
Carla moved him a few feet to one side until he was perfectly centered in front of my camera. While she pulled at his shirt and fussed over details, Adam looked up at me.
I caught his eyes, holding his gaze for a moment. I felt hypnotized by him in an instant, like something about those eyes could stare right into my soul. Or… my dick’s soul, certainly. Whatever that might be.
“Don’t be nervous,” I told him. “You’re going to do great. And you look great, but you already knew that.”
The bashful look returned as he looked down for a moment. “I’m not nervous,” he said, which was an obvious lie.
“Not nervous at all, huh?” I asked, a teasing lilt appearing in my voice.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Okay, fine. I’m so nervous I feel like I could power a whole city with just the energy in my nerve endings right now.”
I laughed, and he seemed surprised by it. “Are you always this funny when you’re nervous?”
“I have no idea how to be funny,” he said. “But I’m nervous all the time.”
A heat stirred inside me as his eyes lingered on mine. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips. An image flashed through my mind of an OnlyShots video from a few weeks ago where he’d sucked on a couple of his fingers, pursing his lips around them. He sure as hell hadn’t seemed nervous in that video.
“Well, if you’re as charming on camera as you are with me, you’re going to do great,” I told him.
I was only human. I was allowed to flirt a little bit, right?
Adam barely seemed to register that he was being complimented, though. He bit his lower lip as he looked around, scanning the area like he was searching for an exit route.
“I’m not used to cameras being quite this big,” he said.
Because most of the videos you take of yourself seem like they’re filmed on a basic phone camera.
And they still get me harder than anything I’ve ever watched.