Page 78 of Home Game
Right as I was about to slide off the bed, I felt a warm pair of big, mitt-like hands clasp around my waist.
“Nice try,” Storm grumbled in a sleepy voice.
“You’re up?” I asked.
God, his hands felt good on my hips.
“I would say I’m only, like, twelve percent awake,” he murmured, his hands squeezing gently on my waist, “but my body sensed that you were up. I have a hot-guy radar system, or something.”
“Radar system, huh?” I said, leaning back a little.
“Might just be my cock,” he said.
I puffed out a laugh. “Thought you were going to slip out of here silently after I left,” I admitted.
“Nope,” he said. “Because you’re not leaving. You’re going to stay here with me in bed all day, and fuck me again, and let me fuck you, and hopefully kiss me a lot. Oh, Emmett, I had a question for you. Who’s your favorite photographer?”
I finally turned around to look at him, which was a mistake, because he looked so intensely adorable that I was drawn back to him like a magnet. His hair was all fucked up from sleep, and his eyes were barely open, the grey-blue just peeking through in the faint morning light.
He didn’t look like a person awkwardly regretting the night before.
He looked so inviting it gave me a full-body ache.
“Favorite photographer?” I asked idly, still a bit distracted by his eyelashes.
“Yeah. You have a lot of cool ones along the hallway walls.”
I nodded. “I like the classic, black-and-white street photography best. Cartier-Bresson is probably my favorite. I could never get sick of his work.”
He hummed, blinking up at me and reaching one hand up and running it along the side of my face.
“Kiss me,” he said.
Okay, maybe hedidstill have some buttons to push with me.
My cock perked up even though I knew I needed to get out of here. Storm was on some mission to get me to forget work even existed, as far as I could tell.
“Quit it. I have to go to work,” I said as he tugged on the side of my body.
“I know. I have to get up and shower and go in for practice, too,” he said. “Kiss me first, though?”
I leaned forward and gave him a small kiss, but in a moment he held me closer, bringing my body up tight against his. He kissed me slowly, then pressed a few more to my cheeks and my temple, finally giving me one more on the top of my head.
I’d had entire relationships without that much affection. Sad, but true. I didn’t know if Storm was still in a post-sex daze or if he really was just trying to push some new button with me, but his kisses felt…
Just like everything had felt last night, too.
He pulled back and looked me in the eyes, his expression turning serious.
“Don’t let your boss fuck with you, Emmett,” he said. “Okay? Can you at least promise me that?”
“Can’t exactly do much if he does decide to pass me up for the promotion,” I said. “It’s his call, at the end of the day.”
“One failed brand deal should never matter that much,” Storm said.
“I agree with you,” I said. “And I wish it didn’t, but sometimes, it does.”