Page 89 of Home Game
They calculated their moves, making sure they didn’t make a single public misstep.
I was the opposite. I acted on impulse. If I felt like posting something, I posted it. I didn’t think about the consequences. Sometimes it bit me in the ass, and other times it paid off great.
But looking around the table here, I realized that I couldn’t act that way around these people. Certainly not if it would have repercussions for Emmett.
And as the dinner went on, I was hit with reminder after reminder that I was the odd one out. The conversation soon turned to memories of college, and all of them talked about the different Ivy League universities they’d gone to, comparing and contrasting and talking about things that I didn’t even understand.
What really was anacademic secret society?What was the difference betweenmagna cum laudeandsumma cum laude, and why did it matter? I’d gone to college on a full athletic scholarship, and while I’d done okay in my classes, my focus had been on football almost exclusively.
And as Emmett and Hugo began discussing potential avenues for marketing the Icy Tap beverage company, I was so aware of how out of my depth I was.
Hugo glanced over at me, and a chill hit my spine all at once.
I realized that it was very possible that Hugo didn’t want me to post about his company because it might actually have anegativeimpact on his brand.
He might not want it associated with me at all.
Sure, I was famous and he thought I was a great player. But I was also a loose cannon. A liability. Always cruising toward a public scandal.
I swallowed hard, shifting on my seat for what felt like the millionth time tonight. I’d never felt more like a fish out of water than I did in this place, and looking over at Emmett’s perfect, pretty face was only making it worse.
I wanted to be good enough for him.
As our dessert plates got taken away, I reached over under the table, squeezing his leg. The look I got in return told me everything I needed to know. That shine in his eye that had only increased since he broke ties with that awful boss of his.
This man deserved the world.
Fuckmy petty insecurities. I’d always done whatever the hell I wanted, and what I wanted to do more than anything was treat him how he deserved.
We stepped out onto the chilly street after we’d finished dinner and I’d returned the dumb borrowed jacket. As we stood on the sidewalk, Emmett said goodbye to Camilla and Silas, and Hugo turned to me.
“Storm,” Hugo said, giving me a smile. “I didn’t want to put any pressure on you during dinner, but it means the world to me that you offered to post on social media about my company.”
“I would do it anytime,” I said. “I’m shocked. I was worried I’d overstepped a line, there.”
“Not at all,” Hugo said. “To be honest, I was a little intimidated to meet you, at first. You have no idea how many games I’ve rooted for you.”
He may as well have just given me the best compliment I’d gotten in my life.
“Well, fuck me sideways. I was intimidated byyou,” I admitted. “You all are so business savvy. So… goddamnsmart.”
“You’re going to make me blush,” Hugo said. “But thank you. I’ll be glued to the TV this Sunday for your game.”
I shook his hand and he gave me his Icy Tap business card before we parted ways.
Emmett turned to me, exhaling. His breath left a faint cloud in the cold evening air.
“That went so well,” he said.
Thatmade it worth it. Even after I’d been so unsure of things at the dinner, if Emmett could come out of it that happy, it was what I wanted.
“How’d you do? Was tonight okay for you?” Emmett asked.
I sucked in a breath of air.
Just say it was good.
You don’t have to be brutally honest at all times.