Page 39 of Can't Stop Now
“Oh! Hey… hey, guys!”
Jacob turned around. It was Sarah. Her eyes were wide and slightly shocked, but she was smiling. Jacob pulled his arms off of Will, but Will left his arms on top of Jacob’s shoulders.
“Sorry…” she said, laughing nervously.
“That’s okay,” Will said, drunk and smiling. “What’s up?”
“Maya and I have been looking for you two. She’s in the bathroom but we wanna head out after she’s done. You ready?” Sarah said over the music.
“Yeah, we’re ready,” Will said.
Jacob felt a bit of shock.Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag, at least with Sarah, he thought. He figured if Sarah knew, Maya was gonna know soon anyway. That would have bothered him before, but he was surprised that he didn’t really care at this point. It just felt too damn good to be with Will.
He turned back toward Will and gave him a sheepish smile.
“You are such a flirt when you’re drunk,” he said into Will’s ear, smiling even more.
“You bring it out in me,” Will said, nibbling Jacob’s earlobe a little. “Just wait ‘til I get you home…” he trailed off, giving Jacob a smoldering look and bringing his arms down from around his shoulders. Jacob immediately missed his touch.
They made their way towards the exit and met up with Maya. When everyone was ready to go they headed out into the night, the air cool and clear.
“Gah, my ears are ringing still,” Maya said. She and Sarah led the way down the sidewalk, and Jacob and Will followed behind.
“That was fun, Maya. Thanks for inviting us out,” Jacob said.
Maya turned around and smiled. “No, thank you for coming! Hope you guys were okay, I know we sort of got split up,” Maya said.
“We were good,” Will said, grinning over at Jacob and giving him a little poke. Will reached down and grabbed Jacob’s hand – first just his pinky, and then interlacing his fingers with Jacob’s. Jacob felt his heartbeat quicken and hoped that his hand wasn’t too clammy. It was the first time he had ever held hands with Will, or any guy, on a busy public street.
“You tired, buddy?” Maya said to Will, and turned around to look at him again. She looked down, noticing them holding hands, and couldn’t hold back a beaming smile as she saw. “Oh. My.God, you two are the fucking cutest!” She stopped, took out her cell phone, and moved to take a picture of the two of them. Right as she was about to take it, Will leaned up on his tiptoes and planted a kiss on Jacob’s cheek as the flash of the camera went off.
Jacob felt himself blush, and the butterflies kick in, even more strongly. He felt like he was on a whole different planet than he had been before he had met Will.
They walked Sarah home, which was about ten minutes away from Maya’s. Once Sarah was no longer there, Will caught up with Maya about her night. Maya informed him that she had in fact kissed Sarah, and Will yelped out in cheers.
“Yesss. I’m so happy for you, girl. You deserve it. Sarah is awesome, too,” Will told her, giving her a quick side hug as they walked. Jacob was following behind them.
“Eee, I know, I’m so excited. And happy for you too, if I dare say so,” she said, peering back at Jacob and then giving Will’s arm a squeeze.
They made it back to Maya’s house and said goodnight to her. Will and Jacob both took turns showering, and then went into the room they’d be staying in. The room was adorned with a string of small white lights, and Will had turned off all the other lights in the room, casting it in a warm glow. Jacob eyed the air mattress as he walked into the bedroom.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Will said, grabbing Jacob’s arm and pulling him toward the actual bed. “Get up here.”
Will pressed his lips to Jacob’s, kissing him passionately, continuing right from where they had left off at the club. He was still drunk, but was totally aware of what he was doing, and what he wanted was Jacob.
He quickly threw off his own shirt and underwear, and pulled Jacob’s off as well. Their naked bodies pressed against each other in bed, Will felt the warmth of Jacob’s strong body on top of him, surrendering completely to the feeling. Their cocks touched, brushing up against one another side-by-side as Jacob kissed him from above, and Will reached down his hand, wrapping it around the both of them at the same time. His hand didn’t fit all the way around them, but he began to stroke them both in unison, his cock pressed up directly next to Jacob’s. He was rock hard again like he had been in the club.
“Did you like that tonight?” Will asked, his voice low and breathy. “Kissing me in the middle of that club?”
“God, yes I did,” Jacob said, moaning slightly and moving his hips with the rhythm of Will’s hand.
“I needed you. I couldn’t hold back anymore,” Will said, taking his free hand and lightly circling it on Jacob’s left nipple.
“I want youallthe time, Will,” Jacob said, running his hand through Will’s hair and gathering it in his fist. He reached his arms around Will’s body beneath him and pulled him over so that they were lying on their sides, face to face. “I don’t know what it is about you. I’mdrawnto you, or something.”