Page 55 of Can't Stop Now
“Hey, we’re employed men now! We’re gonna have to look the part, and baby, I can say for sure that youdoright now,” Will said, planting a kiss on the back of Jacob’s neck. He turned, walking in front of Jacob, and kissed him on the mouth this time. He could smell the cologne Jacob had put on – he usually didn’t wear any, but decided to for the event. He smelled masculine and intoxicating.
Will wrapped his arms around Jacob’s neck, deepening the kiss. Jacob placed his hands on Will’s hips, bringing him in close.
A minute later, Jacob pulled back, taking a deep breath in.
“Okay, guess we should get going,” Jacob said, smiling at Will.
Will let his mouth hang open, giving a little gasp. “You tease!” he said, smiling at Jacob.
“It’s okay baby, I might be teasing you now, but just know that I’ll deliver on my promise later,” Jacob said with a low voice into Will’s ear. Will felt a shiver run through his body, anticipating what was to come.
After a few minutes, they headed to Jacob’s work in his car, driving along the ocean on the highway. Will watched the sun set over the ocean, realizing that for the first time in a long time, he loved where he lived.
“So this event isatyour office?” Will asked.
“Yeah, in the huge conference room on the ground floor. I’m sure they’re gonna have plenty of food and drinks, and they said there’ll be live music too,” Jacob replied.
“Awesome. I’m excited,” Will said.
Jacob pulled into the parking lot at his company’s office. It was fairly close to the beach, in a nice area north of San Diego. The air was cool, and the sun had finally dipped below the horizon, leaving a glowy orange tint to the sky.
“Alright, let’s head in. Do you want to see where I work first, before we head to the party? I could show you my desk,” Jacob said, grinning.
“I love that you’re so excited about your desk. I totally want to see it,” Will said with a laugh.
They entered the building and climbed up a staircase to get to the 2ndfloor. Jacob led Will down a hallway to an open area with a handful of desks. No one was in the office part of the building at that time on a Saturday, so Will and Jacob were the only people upstairs. Jacob’s desk was near a wall with windows that looked out onto the ocean.
“Holy shit, Jacob, that view is fantastic,” Will said, walking to the window and looking out.
“I know, isn’t it? And since I’m only on the second floor Iprettymuch am not afraid to look out the window,” Jacob said, smiling. “This one’s my desk.”
Jacob gestured to his desk, which had two monitors like most of the other ones in the room, a nice lamp, and a plant. Will looked at the things Jacob had brought in and a frame caught his eye.
Jacob had a picture frame that contained four photos: one he took of the mountains in Boulder, one that Will took of him playing pinball, a photo of the lake in Chicago, and the last one, the picture of Will kissing him on the cheek, Jacob smiling next to him.
Will put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder.
“Jacob, you brought that here? I can’t believe it,” Will said. He wrapped his arms around Jacob in a hug, his heart beating just slightly faster.
“I never want to go long without seeing you, even at work. Of course I brought it in,” Jacob said softly.
Will sighed, smiling. “You are awesome. Really, thebest.” He kissed Jacob softly, then rested his forehead on Jacob’s. “Now are we gonna stop being antisocial and go downstairs to the party?”
“Let’s do it,” Jacob said, grabbing Will’s hand and heading downstairs.
As they walked further down the hallway downstairs, Will started to hear music and activity up ahead. They reached the conference room and entered the front door.
“Holy shit,” Will whispered as he saw the room, “You said this was a conference room, but it’s like a grand ballroom!”
The room had intricate, detailed decorations, tons of tables set up for people to sit and eat, an open bar, and the promised live band at the front of the room. Will thought at least two hundred people must have been milling around.
“Your company is pretty big, huh?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Jacob said, scanning the room. “I don’t know that many people yet, but if I see someone I know, I’ll introduce you. For now… food and drinks!”
They headed to the buffet tables, picking up little plates of finger food, and each of them grabbed a cocktail at the bar. They had just finished eating when a woman came up, smiling brightly.
“Well hello, Jacob! How are you doing? I’m so glad you came, can you believe this band? They aresogood,” she said, smiling at Jacob. “Oh, hello there, who’s your friend?” she said, looking at Will.