Page 53 of Snaring Her Man
Thankfully the instruments survived the damage to the bungalow. Most of the remaining repairs will require professionals to come in. Loud beeping accompanied by shouts sound from the front of the house, prompting us to dress in a hurry. Outside, Onyx’s car pulls up the driveway. Behind her trucks clear what’s left of the debris that had blocked us in for the last two days.
“Baby girl, I was so worried about you.” Onyx runs out from the passenger side of her car to embrace Kenya and pat her down. Today, her color coordination would make Crayola proud. From the purple ombré wig, pants suit, and snake skin stiletto heels, Onyx should be on her way to a fashion shoot.
Mayor Salas exits from the driver’s side in a sharp cream suit that complements Onyx’s look without being matchy-matchy. The pair have been together a lot recently and their styles reflect something. In this brief glimpse of them together, they seem more in tune with each other, making me wonder if the storm’s aftermath gave Onyx some headway in her pursuit of the good mayor.
“Glamma, I’m alright. Cameron kept me company.” Kenya shyly glances in my direction then shifts to the other person in the room. “But why are you with the mayor?”
“Oh, uh, he’s here to assess the damage.” Onyx looks beseechingly at Pedro who stands with a neutral expression on his face. Her pleading glance turns into a glare when he doesn’t interject or back her up.
Kenya faces Pedro. “Why do you need to—”
“Disaster funds!” Onyx jumps in. “He needs to assess the town to know how much funding to ask for from the state.”
“Is that true?” I ask him.
“Escondido Bay will need funds,” Pedro responds without contradicting Onyx.
“Exactly!” Onyx drags Kenya to Pedro who welcomes her with an exasperated smile on his face. “Why don’t you help him, baby girl?” She pushes the pair out the door before either can protest.
Kenya spins around in time for Onyx to slam the door in her face. “Glamma!”
“Better get to it, baby girl.” Onyx presses her spine against the door and turns the lock.
“Did you just lock me out of my own house?” Kenya shrieks.
“I don’t know why you wanna test me when I got ish to do. Take your butt on over to survey the rest of the property and keep Mr. Mayor busy while I do what I need to do.” Onyx turns a militant glare on me.
“You might as well listen to her, otherwise more than your furniture will go missing this time.” Pedro’s voice fades as I assume he is taking Kenya to do as ordered, which tells me he will indulge Onyx to a certain point.
I glance at the woman who now holds me hostage in Kenya’s home. Her glare combines with a menacing aura. She could put the fear of God in most men, but I’m not scared. And I didn’t just take a step backward either. The little half-step doesn’t count because I need to rebalance myself, redistribute my weight as it were. Not because I’m reacting to Onyx’s swift change in demeanor. To prove it to her—because I have nothing to prove to myself since Kenya’sGlammais no one to be afraid of—I fold my arms. Maybe I expand my chest, too. Although Onyx is a short woman, those six inch stilettos can double as a weapon and I’m already a defenseless hostage.
“Now, young man, you owe me an update.” Onyx swishes her hips in a pants suit that molds to her curves as she approaches me. “I hope you haven’t wasted all this time I generously provided you.”
“And here I was thinking I had the storm to thank.” And there I go stepping back again until my back collides with the wall.
“Natural disasters have got nothing on me. Now stop stalling. If Mission MKO is at risk, I need to know if the problem is opportunity or…” She pokes my chest, causing an inadvertent smile to blossom on my lips.
“Or?” I arch my brow while asking myself if I want to hear what alternative reasons Onyx has come up with to explain any lack of progress on my part.
“Or maybe Laila and I expected too much.”
“Ouch.” I slump in relief as I take her in.
Although formidable, her response reassures me that I’m not in imminent danger. “Quit stalling.” Onyx directs a fierce scowl at me, a precursor to crossing boundaries no grandmother should cross. “Has she dropped them—”
“With all due respect, what happens between Kenya and I will stay between Kenya and I.”
“Now you listen—”
“I think it’s you who needs to listen.”I’m probably going to hell for talking to Onyx this way.“I told you from day that I won’t report to you. Unless, you want to tell me what’s going on between you and the mayor. Are your endeavors bearing fruit? Because you seem to be spending a lot of time together.”
For two seconds, the impossible happens, Onyx snaps her mouth closed. “That’s grown folks business,” she grumbles. “At least give me a sign that I don’t need to find a new candidate. Your presence would put a damper on my plans.”
With a narrowed glare, I advance on her. “Ms. Onyx, if I see any man you invite here, they’ll never walk right after I’m through with them. Do you understand me?”
Unintimidated and with an unrepentant grin, Onyx slaps my chest. “That’s what I’m talking about! I knew there was more to you than your pretty looks. And for your information, my baby girl’s business is my business, but never you mind. I came prepared for this occasion.” She takes my hand and shuttles me into the kitchen.
“I’ve just been had, haven’t I?”