Page 59 of Snaring Her Man
Although tonight will be Kenya’s first time, I feel like the virgin. Everything has to be perfect. I follow behind Kenya as an attendant directs us to our private room. We bypass the elevator to the lower floors where the free-for-all takes place.
Kenya’s choice of outfit is not making things easy for me. Her skirt flirts with her thighs, flitting about her legs in a tempting dance designed for me to reach out and creep up her skin until I discover the treasure hidden beneath. It doesn’t help that she brings my attention to her legs every time she brushes at her skirt.
I shake my head to calm myself. The dress isn’t overtly sexual, it is actually very modest and as discreet as our surroundings. Regardless, clothing on Kenya can’t hide her lush curves and never fails to paint images in my head.
Tonight, we’ll play out a few of the fantasies I’ve had on the drive over and during dinner. My body has been in a state of readiness for so long that I have to remind myself,be calm. Be gentle. Don’t scare her.The refrain plays on a loop inside my head.
The attendant stops at a door. “Everything you’ve requested is inside,” he says to me. “If you need anything, you can make additional requests in the room.”
Kenya ducks her head and enters the room. After entering behind her, I lean against the closed door to observe her. Any sign of second thoughts and we’ll spend the night watching Netflix on my phone. She opens a drawer and slams it shut after a second. Her cheeks darken but she moves onto another drawer. One by one, she has the same reaction.
“Out of curiosity, did your requests have anything to do with what is in these drawers?” Kenya walks over to a table with an assortment of hors d’oeuvres and beverages in boutique glass bottles.
I smile because Covo’s people would have gone above and beyond my expectations. Thisisan Oliveri establishment. The employees here don’t play. While Kenya peruses the options, I saunter to the cabinet.
“I don’t know wether to commend the staff or fear them. A little ambitious don’t you think?” I pull out a twelve inch dildo that is wider than my wrist.
She sputters and coughs from her drink. She clears her throat and looks at everything but the toy in my hand. “Now you’re being too modest. Remember I’ve had you in my mouth enough times to know that you aren’t too far off.” She rubs her throat as if remembering how deep she took me.
I gulp, recalling her enthusiasm and my weakness to feel her throat closing around me. My little lamb is greedy when it comes to my cum and my cock. Sweat breaks out on my spine and my cock hardens, stretching my dress pants to an uncomfortable degree.
“Are you going to work me up to that?” Behind the interest glowing in her eyes is a hint of trepidation. “Because there are limits to how far I can stretch. I should have really thought this through.” Kenya paces past me as if I’m no longer in the room. “Maybe I’m not ready. Not like you said this is definitely happening tonight, but the night is still early and I remember your promise to keep me up. But…”
“Yes?” I barely get the word out while I cover my mouth to hide my laughter.
“Do you really think one night is enough?” She stops to look earnestly into my eyes. “I can’t even do a split to save my life. I just keep picturing me halfway impaled on you and unable to get everything in. Has that ever happened to you before? Should I be stretching now?”
My shoulders shake, but I intercept her as she lowers her body to the ground.
“Are you laughing at me right now? This is serious. Technically you don’t fit all the way in my mouth.” Kenya removes the dildo from my hand and lowers it. “Maybe if I just put it in now, things will go easier.”
I snatch the toy from her grasp. “Stop. Relax. There’s no need to work yourself up over this. We won’t use this tonight and when the time is right, you’ll take all of me. There’s no need to rush things.” I put away the dildo, trying to hide my dissatisfaction of her putting any phallus-shaped toy inside her.
“The hell there isn’t.” She turns on me, all evidence of her nervousness has disappeared. “I’ve been pestering you for days about how ready I am, and I swear I’m ready. This is just pre-sexing jitters. Let me get it out of my system because once I’m prepared, you won’t deny me.”
I nod. “I have a selfish request to make.” In another drawer, I rifle through the items for the specific toys I requested. One by one, I line up the vibrators I intend to use on Kenya. “As long as we’re together, the only cock that goes in your pussy will be mine.”
She huffs a laugh. “Well there’s one relief. To be totally honest, I wasn’t liking the idea of having something else inside me before you. Masturbating me doesn’t count. Oh, and neither does your tongue. I like when you do that thing when you twirl it too much to ever give that up. Oh and…” she trails off as our gazes meet.
I’m not laughing. No hint of a smile betrays me.
“So this is a serious request?” She sits on a chair beside the food-laden table.
“Very much so. When it comes to you, I can’t help but be selfish.”
“But your behavior has been more selfless than anything. The nights where you held me without making a move, or the many nights you showed me how to pleasure myself without seeking your own release aren’t from someone who puts their needs above mine.”
I amble over to her and pinch her chin between my fingers. “Little lamb, you say this because you have no idea how deep my selfishness goes, but you’ll find out tonight.”
Her breath stutters and she licks her lips. Her nervous ramblings from moments ago are no longer evident. I follow her tongue’s path with my greedy gaze. I dip my head until our lips meet. All my good intentions go away the second she opens her mouth and feeds me her tongue. Mmm, I groan to her greedy attempts to deepen our kiss.
“For you to make that kind of demand, does that mean tonight is the night? You’ll finally give me what I’ve been begging for?” Her emotions are an open canvas, her need a physical demand sucking the air from the room.
“If I say yes?” I nuzzle behind her ear. “Will you start to list all the exercises you need to do to prepare yourself to take me?”
She shoves at my shoulders. “There’s no need to poke fun at me. I realize how silly I’m being. But to answer your question, I’d have no other choice but to agree. I can be selfish, too.” She throws me a challenging smile full of bravado.
With both my hands cupping her face, I search her for any hint that I’m pushing her or that she’s forcing herself. Her open expression hides nothing from me. She wants me. All of me. I kiss her again. Kenya can’t escape me and I drink from her lips. Tonight, I’m especially insatiable. For the last two weeks, I’ve been skittish, holding my passion on a tight leash to ensure Kenya won’t run.