Page 77 of Snaring Her Man
“What did I do to you?” Jazzy snatches the garment from my hands. “When did you start hating me that you would choose this monstrosity?”
I shake my head at the explosion of mixed prints that clash and will do nothing positive for Jazzy’s body. “I’ll do better next time.”
She buries the clothing among the others. “I don’t know if I can trust you until you tell me what she did to put you in this state.”
“Technically, she’s being her usual self. I think I’m just tired of her not taking me seriously. I mean she’s planned a whole wedding for me, but Cameron and I haven’t had the talk yet.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of hard to have the marriage conversation without you telling him how you feel about him.”
I glare at her cold-blooded summation of my situation.
“So should I be mad that I haven’t gotten my invite?”
“Jazzy… you are the devil!”
“Well, can I at least get a save the date?”
“Apparently, it’s New Year’s Eve. And no, I don’t know where it is. I didn’t have enough time to read the full invitation before Glamma’s fellow fangirls absconded with the evidence of her manipulations.” I slam my hand on a display of folded shirts. “Who even gets married on New Year’s Eve?”
“Look on the positive side. You used to complain about ringing in the new year at home alone. Now you’ll have a guaranteed partner to celebrate with you.”
“You are truly the devil.”
“If it bothers you so much, confront Glamma Onyx. You are too old to let her dictate your life, even if she thinks she’s in the right on this.” Jazzy selects a pair of wide-leg pants with a thick pinstripe pattern and holds it up to her waist. “What do you think about these?”
I give her a thumbs up. “I’m afraid that I’ll discover more plans that I’m not equipped to handle.”
“How bad could it be?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her to hire the pope to officiate.”
“Girl, you aren’t even Catholic.”
“You think that could stop her? If the leader of the catholic faith can’t deter her, how can I?”
Jazzy clutches her stomach as laughter pours from her mouth. “Kiwi, what did you put in your breakfast? Do I need to worry that you’re hallucinating on some shrooms?” She dabs at the moisture gathering at the corner of her eyes.
“Don’t tempt me,” I say although I would never. Besides agreeing to date Cameron, the riskiest thing I’ve ever done was go to Covo del Peccato with Jazzy. “What about this?” I show her a dress that could work for day and evening events.
She tests the material’s stretchiness. “Too tight around the waist.” She returns it to the rack. “This season’s picks are depressingly lacking. I’m ready to cash out and head out.”
I hide my fist pump since my heart isn’t into this outing. “Want to pick something up from Roxy’s before we head home? Cameron has a thing with his sister so it will just be the two of us tonight.”
Jazzy grins. “I see an all-night rewatch of my favorite slice-of-life anime in our future. First on the list is my new personal fave,Tomo-chan Is a Girl!”
“If you haul ass, I might share my Hello Panda snacks with you.”
“Say less.” Jazzy beelines her way to the cashier.
After picking up our order from Roxy, we convert the living room floor into a sea of cushions and blankets. Jackpot investigates the new design before curling her body on top of the remote. Jazzy swoops her up from her inconvenient resting place and cuddles the cat whose purrs compete with the television’s volume.
“Jazzy, something’s been bothering me since we left the store.”
She glances at me before returning to the television to find the agreed-upon anime.
“What’s up with all the shopping trips? You’ve gone on a few with Khadijah and now me. Each time, you bring back a new wardrobe.”
“That’s easy to explain.” She bites into a cream-filled panda snack. “Like this panda, Greg left his spunk inside me. In a few months—”