Page 11 of Sansone DeLuca
I glance at Jinx and catch her watching me as if she’s attuned to changes in my emotions. I respond to Omari.
Me: Was he the one looking for me from before?
Since his warning a few days ago, I’ve installed more security measures around my home. Although I love the place with a nearly unhealthy level of devotion, I will sacrifice it for Jinx’s future.
Tech Bro: No. Other person. They’re more subtle in their search. Motherfuckers. They’re too fucking good at wiping their traces. Sansone, not so much. He’s using legit sources to find you and he’s not hiding his search.
I mull over the issue in my head. There’s no doubt that having Sansone in Jinx’s corner is her best option, but I don’ttrust Sansone’s motives. Despite my misgivings, I owe it to Jinx to find out if he’s sincere or a threat to us.
Me: Where is he now?
Tech Bro: Penthouse. Surveillance footage shows he stepped up security. Almost impossible to infiltrate now.
Me: Thanks for the heads up. I’ll handle Sansone. In the meantime, keep me posted on the other player.
I turn to Elaine. “I have to make a quick phone call inside.”
Curiosity sparkles in her hazel eyes, but she nods me toward her house.
Inside, I choose to make my call in her sunroom. With mostly glass walls, I have a view of outside and can watch Jinx if anything happens needing my intervention. The many windows allow me to monitor Elaine as well. If she pursues her curiosity, I’ll have enough warning to end my call.
I dial the number I’ve memorized without thinking. The moment Sansone barks in his smooth baritone, my voice hitches.
“I don’t have time for games. Either state who you are and what business you have with me or I’ll hang up.” His terseness reminds me why I’m calling.
“I heard you were looking for me. Am I mistaken?”
“Zakiya?” The whispered longing in my name must be my imagination, as is the heavy thud of my heart before it regulates to its usual rhythm.
I shake my head and breathe until I assure myself my voice won’t shake. “You made your demands very clear the last time we spoke, so why are you searching for me?”
“I want my daughter.”
His response shocks me into momentary silence.
“Zakiya? I said I want?—”
“I heard you, but I’m having trouble believing you. After taking one glance at her, you fled faster than a stampede avoiding a tornado. How can I trust you have good intentions?”
Silence meets my question, and I wonder if he’s fuming on the other end or contemplating my demise. I wait him out.
“Let’s meet.” He shoots off his penthouse address.
After Omari’s warning, I won’t risk putting myself in his hands.
“Sure, but I choose the place.”
When I name City Hall, he laughs. His amusement doesn’t faze me. If there’s one place in Douglas that’s off limits to any kind of DeLuca retaliation, it’s where his brother works. Since the location is public, I’ll also be able to melt into the crowd and escape if threatened.
Sansone agrees to my demand, and I disconnect the call.
Now, what to do with Jinx.
Despite not running around and screaming, she doesn’t appear to be in distress. I leave the house to pull her aside and inform her I’ll be gone for a short time. I explain who I’ll meet and why I won’t take her with me. Her eyes widen, but the flat look returns almost instantly to deaden them again. One day, I’d like to see her blue eyes sparkle with some other emotion, but we have a long way to go before then.
“Would you like to stay with Ms. Elaine?”
Jinx turns to watch my neighbor.