Page 21 of Sansone DeLuca
I don’t want to remember. I’ve spent so much of my life actively forgetting my past with Giulio, though I fail more times than I succeed. I’m thirty-two now. Long past time for me to move on from the days I hid my fear and anxiety behind a blank expression.
But what if remembering is the only way to help Jinx?
I look away from the emptiness in her eyes, unwilling to face her and the voice in my head.
“Alright Jinx, let’s go wash up. Then we’ll see if the school your daddy picked for you is a good fit.” Zakiya offers her hand and Jinx easily takes it after securing her stuffed toy.
I temper the jealous reminder that my daughter isn’t comfortable enough with me to embrace any physical contact yet. But then I soothe myself with the fact that I haven’t seen her and Jinx hug either.
“Use our bathroom,” I say as Zakiya is about to enter Jinx’s room.
I meet her curious gaze with silence, ignoring the growing alarm in her eyes. She dashes into her room, leaving me in the hall with Jinx.
“Get your toothbrush,” I say.
She stares at me, weighing me and possibly my intentions. Her intensity makes me question myself and my life’s choices. Only when she nods and enters her room do I breathe easily. If I had any doubts, which I don’t, that DeLuca stare is enough proof she is my daughter.
When she returns, she has a Bubble Guppies toothbrush and sparkle toothpaste in hand.
Zakiya slams out of her bedroom door but checks herself and all the questions she must have when she sees Jinx. I leave them to enter the bathroom from my side, where I set up the stool in front of the double sink in time for their entrance.
“This will be our new morning routine. After breakfast, we’ll brush our teeth together like a family.” I apply toothpaste to my toothbrush and begin scrubbing my teeth.
Zakiya sidles beside me and in a brutal whisper, she says, “I’ll lock my side of the door from now on.”
I catch her gaze in the mirror and without missing a beat, I respond, “Wise decision.” I allow my stare to travel over her body, not hiding the lust that’s never far from the surface.
She steps away as if scalded by my admiration, her lips pursed in confusion. The pucker only adds to her allure, exposing a glimpse of innocence before she clears the expression from her face and dons her usual armor against me, probably thinking she’s safe in her frumpy clothes.
She’s not.
Zakiya has no fucking clue how she affects me, but I won’t leave her in ignorance for long. Now, however, is not the time to detail all the ways I’ll use her body for my pleasure.
I catch Jinx staring at us. Maybe it’s the newness of the situation or the image of the three of us in the mirror depicting a family unit, but she seems cautiously optimistic. I can’t put my finger on what makes me interpret her feelings despite us being strangers, but if I’m correct, I want to feed that optimism untilit transforms into confidence. One day, she won’t live in fear of returning to the hell from which Zakiya’s benefactor saved her.
When we’re done in the bathroom, I follow my daughter and Zakiya downstairs and stop short at the sight of my brother wearing his newborn in a baby carrier wrap.
Valentino’s eyes widen as he takes Zakiya, Jinx, and me in, coming to conclusions that are beyond the truth. He glares at me and nods his head toward my office. Without waiting for a response, he marches in that direction.
“If you have something to say, you can say it in front of Zakiya and Jinx,” I say, forcing him to spin around.
Zakiya and Jinx turn questioning eyes on me.
“Looks like I’ll have to delay our trip to Baldwin Academy.” I pass Val to lead everyone into my office.
I direct Zakiya and Jinx toward the more comfortable couches while I stand behind Zakiya.
“Explain,” Val barks while cradling my nephew’s head.
So this is Valentino DeLuca!
He resembles Sansone in many ways. From their good looks, height, and coloring, to the piercing blue of their eyes. The two men in the same room give me a new understanding for why Douglas citizens openly embrace their brand of corruption. People can forgive the most heinous acts if it’s wrapped in beautiful packaging.