Page 29 of Sansone DeLuca
I ran. He caught me in the kitchen, tearing away at my clothes while my daddy’s blood drenched his hands. But I wasn’t docile. I got my hands on a knife and shoved it into his chest before he could finish what he started. Once wasn’t enough. The fear and adrenaline drove me to plunge the blade over and over until my manic haze cleared. I left that place covered in blood of which I’ve never been able to wash myself clean.
My mother, bless her heart, never found out what my daddy did. Until the day she died, she thought he ran off to start a new life with another family. No one knew I covered up the crime scene, using the same methods my daddy used to get rid of the bodies. But once I overcame looking over my shoulder for the boogeyman I killed, what the hell have I needed to fear?
Definitely not a man who builds his wealth on the lives of kids.
With more confidence than a man hanging upside down should have, he says, “If you release me now, the AssociationI work for will let you live long enough to get your affairs in order.”
“Association? Who runs that? Maybe I’d like to meet them.”
He stares up at me for a long time saying nothing, brow furrowed and a puzzle being put together behind his eyes. When the epiphany breaks, his gaze widens. “You’re that bitch that took Milo and his money. Considering where I’m hanging, I guess he’s dead.”
I jolt at the name. Milo is the man to whom Mo’Monet sold Jinx.
“It is you! Forget what I said before. My boss will want to keep you on the brink of death for as long as possible. Milo was their only child, and they’re already looking for you.” He shakes his head in wonder.
“I can make things easier for them if you give me their name.” I can afford to be confident. I never collect anyone without a disguise. The only thing I can’t change is my size, but no one expects a fat woman to off as many people as I have. Not when I make sure to be as forgettable as possible.
Didn’t work on Sansone.
I shrug the reminder off. Sansone is an exception and one I can’t risk thinking about right now.
“I think not. I’ll relish the long future you have ahead of you.”
I shrug and get to work. “To end the pain, all you need to do is give me your offshore account information. Once I verify the funds, I’ll end your misery.”
“I’ll never tell you shit.” He spits toward me, but it lands shy of my feet.
The third man groans, reminding me of his presence. Once the sedative fully wears off and he sees the dead bodyguard and the trafficker hanging from a similar hook as he’s hanging from, he begins to weep. “Please… please, let me go. I-I-I have a wife and kids at home who depend on me.”
I walk over to him and in my most reassuring voice, I say, “They’ll be better off not knowing that you’re a sick fuck. Now wait your turn.” I shove some of the ripped-up clothing in his mouth and secure it to muffle his screams. The only screeches I want to hear derive from immense pain, not the anticipation.
“You’re a twisted piece, aren’t you?” the brunet asks with more bravado than he deserves to have given his circumstances.
I crack my neck as I return to him. “I am justice for those who never received it. I am vengeance for those too young to realize it. Most of all, I’m the living nightmare for people who victimize the most innocent among us.” I take my trusty carbon-steel bone-handle knife and make an incision at his ankle large enough to get enough purchase.
The first cut causes him to jerk out of my hands with a sharp yell.
“If you keep fidgeting, I’ll give you a paralytic,” I grunt as I start to peel back his skin. “It won’t prevent you from feeling one hundred percent of the pain, but it will stop you from thrashing around.”
Between his panting and shrieks, he responds, “You won’t get what you want from me if I can’t talk.”
“Everyone always says that.” I pull his hook along its track until we’re closer to the wall where straps dangle for these occasions.
I turn him to the side and secure him to the wall. Although I’ve controlled his movements, the straps will add extra time to this project. I’ll have to come up with an excuse for Sansone if I run into more delays.
He makes it to his torso before he gives me what I want.
“I’m impressed. Others usually pass out before now. Men don’t seem able to stay conscious when I get to their dicks. So congratulations, I guess.”
I relay the information to Omari, who’s on standby. He quickly responds with the confirmation I need. He’ll forward the details to our accountant, Yemaya, who’ll transfer the funds to the Non-Profit we set up for the survivors. The company funds behavioral and mental health professionals who treat the children we’ve saved, and it provides a steady income for the rest of their lives.
“Alright, two hundred million dollars. Not too bad my guy. Your donation will go a long way to pay restitution to the lives you’ve harmed.” I stretch my back and crack my finger joints. “You deserve a rest.”
He moans in terrible pain while half the skin I flayed hangs off his body.
When I turn to the my dessert, he shakes and rattles the hook he’s hanging from.
“I guess I need to tie you down, too.” I pull him toward another section of the wall with straps.