Page 43 of Sansone DeLuca
After dinner, we go through Jinx’s bedtime routine, but tonight there is an air of conspiracy that puts me on edge.
Jinx, who usually bathes herself, grabs my hand and silently demands I bathe her. I glance at Sansone standing in the corner.
He shrugs and offers, “From what you’ve told me, Jinx’s mother didn’t allow her to have a playful bath time. She obviously wants to create that experience with you.”
His words spear me, the razor-sharp edge masked by his tender tone. Why won’t he understand how harmful it will be for Jinx to become overly attached to me when I have to leave? All this time, I’ve tried to balance maintaining some distance while fostering her confidence. Doing so has been the most challenging undertaking for me because despite trying to harden my heart against her, I fail at every turn.
I fill the tub with bubbles and add a few floating toys. Too late, the trap Sansone sets for me closes in on me. I’m invested in making Jinx’s bath time full of laughter and fun. I know I’ve achieved my goal when she gazes at me with a bright grin, an expression she rarely shows. Tonight is the firsttime the cautionary clouds dogging her every reaction are not in evidence, and her joy hits me hard.
While I blink away tears to avoid alarming Jinx, the heat from Sansone kneeling behind me reinforces an unrealistic image of the picture we paint.
“You can’t deny my daughter has good instincts,” he whispers in my ear. He harnesses dark temptation in his voice, and without realizing what I’m doing, I lean into his body. “She wants you. Denying me is one thing, but would you refuse her the only maternal figure who’s ever shown her what a mother should do?”
“You aren’t playing fair,” I whisper back, barely moving my lips.
“Why would I? Fairness is for pussies who aren’t strong enough to fight for what they want.” He skims his finger under my hairline, and I shudder.
Already, he’s trained my body to recognize and crave his touch. But I can’t succumb to him again. I straighten, putting much needed distance between us.
Sansone chuckles but moves away, the damage already done.
To regain my foothold on my body’s reaction, I rush through the rest of Jinx’s bath. I barely hold on under Sansone’s unwavering attention. By the time we put Jinx to bed, my nerves make a mockery of the years of experience I curated to inure myself from the gentler side of my humanity.
I retreat into my room, Sansone on my heels. His gait shows subtle signs of the sedative I slipped into his drink.
He closes the door and props his weight against the surface. Using one hand, he begins to unbutton his shirt.
“What are you doing?”
“Reminding you…” He frowns at the slurred speech before trying again. “Reminding you why we work well together.”
God help me because my body warms in anticipation of being reminded. But I can’t entertain him when I have the threat of my image being disseminated to the public hanging over my head. He steps away from the door, but he isn’t able to support his weight and begins to fall.
I catch Sansone in time to stop him from smashing his face into the floor. After transferring him to my bed, I prepare for my escape by slipping into my stealth wear and heading toward the bathroom. I unlock the door connecting Sansone’s room to the shared space and peer into the hallway from his door.
With no sign of Aurelio, I slip out of Sansone’s room and creep downstairs toward the wing of the house no one uses. My skin prickles, and I duck into a room. When no shadow crosses the threshold, I sigh in relief before continuing my exit plan.
By the time I get to the car Omari arranged for me, I’m racing against Max’s impatient nature. Despite the need to rush, I can’t escape the feeling of being followed, but I can’t identify a tail. I chalk up my paranoia as an overreaction to Aurelio’s bragging and forego more evasive maneuvers to return to my house.
When I pull into my development, the moon hangs high in the sky. Did Max give up on my showing and move forward with her plans? As my property comes into view, I slow at what awaits me. Camped on my front lawn are more than a dozen neighbors including Mr. Murphy, Elaine, and the mastermind behind my escape, Maxine.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I’m hosting a block party. The neighbor to my right has his grill out, plating a late-night barbecue. In all the years I’ve avoided getting close to my neighbors, I never could have expected this level of community for my benefit.
In a state of shell shock, I leave my car to the sounds of relief and genuine concern. Everyone clears a path for Mr. Murphy as he makes his way toward me, looking at my car in anticipation.
“You’re alive. Good to know.” He pushes past me.
“Jinx isn’t with me,” I say stopping him in his tracks.
He turns back and clears the hint of disappointment from his face. “Of course, she isn’t. Only an irresponsible person would drag her out past her bedtime,” he grumbles. “But would it kill you to let a soul know how she’s adjusting to her new life?” Mr. Murphy raps his cane against my shin. “You’re supposed to teach her to fulfill her obligations, but I have a town full of unpainted houses waiting for her touch.”
“I can’t promise you if or when she’ll return. She’s become attached to her father and he’s fully dedicated to her.”
“What’s that got to do with me?” He glares up at me. “I have my doubts about your decision-making. Bring him here and let me decide if he’s good enough for the little one.”
“Mr. Murphy, he’s her father.”