Page 86 of Sansone DeLuca
She nods. “Hopefully he knows Dusan’s schedule. Without that, we risk going in blind and I’m not about to let you walk into that kind of danger.”
I kiss her neck. “You thinking you’re giving me permission for anything is cute.”
“Boy, I was born cute.”
“You’ll get no argument from me.” I start to lower my head until Mattia clears his throat.
“Boss, Jamal is here.”
I nod, seeing this as my opportunity to clear up the fuck up from last night. “Let him in.”
My second in command enters, and I wipe my face of expression. The moment he spies Zakiya, a wariness enters his movements.
“Looks like you’re busy here.” At the first words out of Jamal’s mouth, my hostage stiffens. “I came by to let you know I got a bead on”—He eyes Zakiya—“the situation you asked me to handle.”
“No need to be secretive. She knows.”
“What about him?” Jamal points to the man hanging upside down.
“He’s inconsequential. Speak.” To prevent him from investigating the man’s identity further, I meet him closer to the entrance of the room.
“The remnants of Ghost Six are trying to merge power here again. They’re the ones behind the attacks.”
“What led you to this conclusion?”
Jamal glances over my shoulder to my hostage. “It was by chance. I saw a familiar face I couldn’t place hanging around the brothel after the hit. I followed him and overheard his conversation with another person, talking about how G6 was going to make a comeback on the backs of the assholes who put them down before.”
“Good.” I pat him on the shoulder and he shoots me a grateful smile. “Did you find their hub?”
“Still working on that but it’s only a matter of time.”
“Since you’re here, I wanted to run something by you.”
“Sure. You know I’m down for whatever.”
I grasp his shoulder and lead him closer to my hostage. From this angle, the man’s face isn’t visible. Zakiya is busy listening as he furiously whispers to her.
To keep Jamal at my side, I sling my arm over his shoulder. “Last night, the men you hired to protect my family suddenly found something else to do and missed the man attempting to force his way inside the house. Why is that, do you think?”
Jamal’s Adams’ apple bobs up and down. “Did you ask them?”
“I did. Funny thing, they all said they got a text from me telling them I didn’t need them. How do you explain that?”
Zakiya stands, her body visibly quivering as she fights to control the fury filling her body. She isn’t looking at me but the man beside me.
“I don’t know how your number would have shown up, but I can look into it for you.” He shifts as if to leave, but I tighten my arm around his shoulder.
“Don’t run off so soon. You haven’t met my wife, yet. Allow me to introduce you.”
“We’ve met.”
“Not officially. Come on.” I drag him to Zakiya. “Zakiya, this is Jamal. Jamal…”
Her expression doesn’t change.
“Mia ragazzaccia, you look like you have something to say.”
She side-eyes me before lasering on Jamal once more. “I was listening to an interesting story, but it’s not mine to tell.” She beckons to Mattia. “Help me take him down.”