Page 32 of Ice Princess
“Maybe someone in his family is upset that Piper and Elysse are with Elio, or what happened to Collins.”
Henry seems to weigh that idea. “It’s something to look into.” He pulls out a notepad and pen, writing something down.
“You’re actually going to look into it?” I want to believe him, but maybe he’s just patronizing me.
“Yes. It’s a good theory. You could be a detective.”
I snort. "Me? A detective? I think my moral compass might be a little too skewed for that line of work, don't you think?"
He smiles. "Maybe. But you've got the mind for it, that's for sure."
I raise my glass in a mock toast. "To careers we'll never have, Detective Lutz.”
He raises his glass and we drink. Our dinner arrives, and for a bit we just eat, but the mention of the calls has me wondering what’s going on with that case. I’m not sure I should ask since Henry and his partner have been using the calls to try and putmy family in jail. And yet, perhaps I can learn something that will allow me to protect the family.
“About the calls? Are you really considering that someone is out to get us?”
He wipes his mouth with his napkin. “Yes.”
“And have you found anything?”
"Nothing concrete yet. I tend to agree that someone has it out for your family. I'm just trying to figure out who and why."
“What about the Rinellas?”
His eyes are intense as he studies me. “Why would you think they have something against you?”
Damn. I need to tread carefully. “Elio was supposed to marry his daughter. But then Piper returned, so he called off the engagement.”
Henry seems intrigued. “And that would lead Rinella to retaliate?”
I bite my lip. “The marriage was arranged about ten years ago between my father and Vincente.”
“That’s a thing?”
“What?” I’m not sure what he’s confused about.
“Arranged marriages?”
I seesaw my head. “Yes and no. I mean, we can choose our own mates, but at the time, Elio was reeling over losing Piper, and he went head first into the business.” I pause, worried I’m saying too much. “My father and Rinella wanted to create a stronger alliance, and apparently, marriage was a way to do it.”
Henry thinks and then he gapes. “Vincente Rinella’s daughter was what… eight… ten years ago.” It tells me he's been studying the families in The Outfit. He probably knows more than I think he does about all of us. Another reason to be careful.
“Yes, but Elio didn’t meet her until recently. She’s eighteen now.”
“And she’s okay with marrying a man she didn’t know?”
I’ve painted myself into a corner, revealing more about my family than I probably should. Not that rumors and gossip aren’t on the street for Henry to pick up on, but still. I don’t want to be the source of it.
“Women don’t always have agency in this world.”
“So, it’s like some medieval royalty thing? Mafia daughters married off for power or money?”
I shrug.
He grins. “Your family clearly didn’t see that for you.”
Is that a compliment?