Page 8 of Ice Princess
Matteo shakes his head at me. “That's not fair. We all care."
I turn on him. "Do you? Because from where I'm sitting, I'm the only one losing sleep over keeping us out of prison."
Matteo’s normally jovial attitude drops. “You’re not the only one working here. You’re not Atlas holding up this family, this business.”
I’ve offended him now too.
"Lana," Elio warns, but I’m too far gone to stop.
"No, Elio. You don't get to shut me up. Not when I've been the one carrying the weight of this family." I stand. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering if today's the day it all comes crashing down?"
The silence that follows is deafening. Everyone's eyes are on me. Elio is about to take what little I have in my life away from me. I’ve ruined a relationship with Piper and Elysse before they’ve had a chance to grow.
And yet I go for broke. “If Lazaro were here, he’d be saying the same thing. Would you be dismissing him as easily as you’re dismissing me? Is it because I’m a woman?”
Hurt fills Elio’s eyes, telling me I’ve struck a nerve.
I keep steaming forward. “I’m happy for you, Elio, getting your family and happily ever after. I respect you as the head of the family, head of the business, but the world and the family don’t revolve around you.”
He opens his mouth, but this time, I hold my hand up to stop him. “It’s easy for you to think that. Everyone does your bidding. You’ve decided Lazaro is dead, so you don’t have to think about him. You all but patronize me, even though you have to know deep down that I’m right. Have I not earned respect?"
The room falls silent, my words hanging heavily in the air. Elio's face softens, a mix of pity and frustration etched across his features. He stands slowly, approaching me like I’m a wounded animal. Perhaps I am.
"Lana. I’m sorry if you feel dismissed. I know you work hard, and you’ve been a great asset?—”
“I’ve been?” Here it is. He’s going to relieve me of my duties to the family and the business.
“Youarea great asset. I don’t dismiss that. But as far as Lazaro goes, we need to accept that he’s gone. Like Mom and Dad."
I recoil. "How can you say that? He's out there somewhere, Elio. I know it."
Elio reaches for my hand, but I jerk away. "It's been three years. We've looked everywhere. The police?—”
"The police?" I scoff. "The same incompetent fools who couldn't find their own asses with both hands? They never even tried to find him!"
"And we've been looking ever since," he counters. "But at some point, we have to face reality."
His words are ripping me in two. "Reality? You want to talk about reality? The reality is that you've given up. On Lazaro, on this family, on everything we've built."
Elio's eyes flash with anger. "I haven't given up on anything."
"Haven't you?" I gesture wildly. "You're so wrapped up in your perfect little world with Piper that you can't see what's happening around you. Rinella is making us a laughingstock. Lazaro is alive and may need our help, but you’re content to let him rot wherever he is."
"That's enough!" Elio roars, slamming his fist on the table. The dishes rattle, and Elysse whimpers, burying her face in Piper's side.
Piper stands, pulling Elysse with her. “Elio.”
He glances at them. His expression drops like he's been sucker punched. “I’m sorry. I won’t hurt anyone.”
I’m about to contradict him, saying everything he’s spewing now hurts me, when I realize that he means physically. His outburst must have triggered memories in Elysse of abuse from her stepfather.
"Come on, sweetie. Let's go find dessert." Piper leads Elysse out of the room.
I suck in a breath, knowing at any moment, I’m going to feel like the worst person in the world for this outburst. But I don’t want them to see it.
“It’s okay, Elio. If you want to give up, I’ll do it myself. I’ll find Lazaro. And if the only thing keeping us out of jail is flirting with a detective, I’ll do it too. You live your fairy tale.”
"I haven't given up on anything. I'm trying to protect what we have left."