Page 38 of Operation: Return
Pete sat up. “You said my dad would’ve liked Cole. So, that means Trace should trust him.”
Erica swallowed hard and stood up, rubbing her suddenly sweaty palms down her jeans. “I think you’re right.” She headed to the desk and picked up the phone, dialed the direct number for Victoria and asked if she could bring over a snack since they’d missed lunch. After getting food squared away, she wanted to do something for Trace.
If he only trusted Pete, then her faith told her that Pete was supposed to help Trace in some way. Maybe that way was to get him some dentures, if possible, so he could smile and talk normally again. Though lost teeth usually wouldn’t cause a raspy voice. She hoped there wasn’t other damage to the poor man.
There had been a file she’d noticed in a locked drawer on the right side of Teddy’s desk. The key had been in the center drawer, and she’d used it to put away other files that had been left out. While she’d been filing things in alphabetical order, she’d noticed a file named: List of Resources.
After a quick hunt, she located the file and glanced at the door to make sure Victoria wouldn’t walk in. With the coast clear, she ran her finger down the list until she found just what she was looking for, an orthodontist in Piper’s Ridge. He’d helped in the past when guests had needed abscessed teeth pulled and other issues.
Victoria knocked on the door and brought in one of the trays used at meals with two plates on it. “One grilled chicken salad with Caesar dressing and a plate of chicken fingers and fries.”
“Yum, those chicken fingers will be wonderful.” Erica pretended to reach for one.
“Mom, no!” Pete jumped to his feet.
Both women laughed. “I’ve got to get back to working on supper. Thanks again for getting that grocery order in right away. I was running low on so many things. I owe you!”
“No, that’s just my temporary job.” Erica saluted Victoria but a sadness settled over her. Unlike the other jobs she’d had, she would hate losing this one for more reasons than just the pay. Wayside ranch was doing something good, something worthwhile, and she felt good at the end of each day. In some ways, her dream to change the world was finally coming true.
She sent Pete to the breakroom with his chicken fingers and shut the door. Bowing her head, she prayed she was doing the right thing. Pete had told her for a reason, it was up to her to use that information.
The phone rang three times before a woman picked up the phone. “Dr. Blevin’s office, how may I direct your call.”
Should she say she was from Wayside Ranch, was that how Lacy started this process of getting help? This was supposed to be a secret. What if the receptionist didn’t know about the ranch?
“Hello?” the woman sounded irritated.
“Sorry. My name is Erica Jameson, I was wondering if I could speak to someone about having dentures made.”
“Would you like to make an appointment?” her tone was clipped, like she was ready to hang up.
“I’m from Wayside Ranch, so an appointment will be difficult.” Did the guests go in? She wished she knew the process.
There was a moment of silent hesitation on the other end. “One moment please.”
After waiting for almost ten minutes while Erica inhaled her salad to the dulcet tones of Muzak, a man picked up the line. “This is Dr. Blevin.”
She dropped her fork and coughed as she finished chewing. “Sorry, I was on hold for a while. Let me start over. I’m Erica and I’m working for Lacy Kincade of Wayside Ranch. I understand you’ve done some work for our clients in the past. I need your help to get a set of dentures.”
She heard some papers shuffling in the background, then tapping on the keys of a keyboard. “I’m afraid I don’t have any files for Lacy Kincade or Wayside Ranch. You must be mistaken. I’m not able to help any new clients at this time.”
“Wait, I have the information right here. We’re not new clients. Please. I don’t know who else to call.” Frustration made her beg. Why else would she learn this information if she couldn’t help? And why was this guy acting like he’d never heard of them when he clearly had?
“I’m sorry, miss. I don’t remember your name. I have never heard of Lacy. I don’t have her name in my files anywhere. I don’t know who she is. I have never heard of Wayside Ranch. You’ll have to try another orthodontist. Good day.” He hung up the line.
The receiver felt heavy in her hand as she laid it back in the phone cradle. Lacy would be back in a few days. Maybe she could explain the doctor’s odd behavior. He almost sounded afraid to talk to her. Why would he be afraid to help her?
This was why all these guys loved this job. They were able to help these people where everyone else failed. She couldn’t let them down. Somehow, she’d find a way to do what she needed to so Trace could start living like he wanted to, a life as simple as her son’s.
The drive to town was uneventful and, while Cole was glad of that fact, he also was concerned Dominic would think this was a waste of time. Scarlet sat in the back seat next to Trace, chatting softly about whatever was on her mind. He was reminded of an elderly couple that used to attend church when he was young. The old man rarely spoke but his wife was cheerful and chattery.
Dominic kept an eye out the front window and said nothing, obviously preferring to keep his thoughts focused on the surroundings outside the car than those inside. Piper’s Ridge was small and only had one gas station with a convenience store. The other gas station sat just outside of town. It offered rapid oil changes but had nothing else inside.
Cole pulled into the gas station and glanced over the few cars in the lot. It was busy enough in there that the people would be a distraction inside. That would either work for them or against them. Anyone who tried anything would do so in front of witnesses. That also meant there was little Cole and Dominic could do to stop a situation once it had started. Use of force was strictly limited when innocents could get hurt.
Scarlet unbuckled and slid forward in her seat. “I can go in. If they are looking for Trace, then they might not notice me.”