Page 26 of Masters of Play
I quickened my pace as I neared the Psy Building. My goal was to get in and get out. I just needed to deal with a few administrative details now that I'd successfully defended my research.
I didn't care whether I saw Professor Sin or not. Hence the leggings and T-shirt. Even my locks were swept up in a haphazard ponytail that said I've just been fucked and fucked good and don't you regret that you didn't take your chance and fuck me? Yup, that's the look I was going for. And I didn't care whether he saw it or not.
I should've asked Owen and Alan to come with me. I would've paraded the twins on my arms so that Sinead could see just how much I didn't care. Because I really didn't care about—
"So you're the one that's going to get Professor Sinead fired."
I turned to that voice. Chad the Douche peeled away from his lackeys. But not too far away that he wouldn't be heard by them. His voice would've barely registered on my notice, except for the word fired.
"What are you talking about?" I said, my foot resting on the first step that would take me up and into the Psy Building.
"Someone reported seeing Sinead screwing a coed, and the administration is now investigating it."
The administration what? Sinead what? What coed? Because it wasn't me. Whoever this someone was, they weren't talking about me because that man's dick hadn't gotten screwed into me.
Or maybe they were talking about the two of us. If someone had seen Professor Sinead and me kissing, they could've gotten the wrong idea. I mean, I had tried to get into his pants that day. And we were writhing on each other in a fashion that could've looked like screwing.
"There's been an anonymous complaint," Chad continued, eying me accusingly. Or rather wantonly, like he wasn't so much pissed about the complaint as he was that I hadn't been screwing him.
Whatever. There wasn't a me and him. There wasn't ever going to be a me and him.
And whoever this anonymous complainant was, it definitely wasn't me. I wasn't the anonymous kinda girl. If I wasn't happy about something, I said it loud and to the person's face. Not behind their back.
I had been wronged in the whole Sinead situation. And I had made my displeasure known to his face. But we hadn't fucked, so there was nothing to complain about. I marched into the building to set it straight.
I stormed into Professor Sinead's office. His back was to me as I came over the threshold. That glorious ass was bent over as he picked something up from a bottom drawer of his desk. His cheeks tensed as he straightened and put it in a box. I was momentarily distracted by his gluteus maximus. But just for a moment.
"What are you doing?" I demanded.
Sinead didn't jerk at the sound of my voice. I'm sure he heard my presence from when I was halfway down the hall. "Use your inductive reasoning, Dr. Prince. I'm packing up my office."
It used to get me off when he called me Ms. Prince. Now that he’d added the Dr. to it, I was ready to spontaneously orgasm. I was a fool to think I was over this man. I was a fool to think I'd ever be over him. I wanted him as much right now as I had the day I’d first walked into his classroom.
He'd been standing tall and proud, his head high in the air like a balloon that was full of knowledge, not air. Right now, his shoulders were hunched as though he was defeated, deflated.
"I didn't take you for the vengeful type," he said.
"What?" I had to run his words through my brain a couple of times. After tearing my gaze away from his ass first. "You think I filed that anonymous report on you?"
He turned now, taking away the sight of his ass and replacing it with the view of his coatless chest. His pecs strained against the white cotton of his shirt. He even had the cuffs of his shirt rolled up to his elbows. Fuck me, the man was beautiful.
I took a tentative step toward him. Tentative because I was fairly certain that if I moved too fast, I was going to jump him. "When have I ever not come and said my piece to your face?"
Sinead cocked his head to the side, giving me his thinking face. His thinking face was my second favorite expression. It had been my top fave until I saw what his desire face looked like. Fuck if I didn't want to see that again.
"I said my piece to you that day," I reminded him. "I didn't go behind your back and try to get you in trouble."
"No, that's not your modus operandi at all. You've never exhibited vengeful behavior. Even with your interest in sexual deviancy, you've always maintained a high sense of morality and honor."
"Thank… you?"
"You didn't do this."
"No, I didn't. It must be some other student you were making eyes at." There was a hidden question mark at the end of that sentence. I looked up at Professor Sinead from beneath hooded lids.
Sinead cocked his head in the other direction, those eyes like lasers on me. I was about to be handed a pop quiz that I had not studied for.
"You don't believe that of me," he said. His question mark hid behind the same wall that mine had.