Page 31 of Masters of Play
"Fuck you, Alan." I smiled up at him as I snuggled into his brother’s chest.
“Fuck you right back.” Alan gave me a wink. Then he turned his nose in the air toward the kitchen. "Do I smell pancakes?"
Chapter Twenty
"So you're dating Professor Sin now?" asked Maree.
I cocked my head to the side. Was this dating that we were doing? Was he my boyfriend? Then what did that make Owen? I knew Owen definitely wanted the label. And even though I was a grown woman, I didn't mind it so much between me and Owen. But it seemed childish to label Chase that way.
"He told me to call him Chase." There was a trill to my voice when I said his name. "Holy fuck, did I just giggle? I do not giggle."
"You just giggled," said Josie. "Having three men worshipping your clit will bring out the giggle even in a grown-ass woman."
I looked over at my three guys. Owen and Alan were prepping ropes for their sessions tonight. There had been a small part of me that chafed that they would still tie up others, but then Alan rubbed a bit of lube between my ass cheeks, and the three of them fucked some sense into me.
As Pro Doms, binding people who wanted the experience of ropes is how they make their living. It's their job, and it has nothing to do with their personal life. I'm the only woman in their personal life. The only person they fuck.
Hell, whenever Owen touched me, it always felt like he was making love to me. And yes, surprisingly, there was a difference. I've felt it. A few times Alan slipped up and a little lovemaking may have rotated his hips one way instead of the other.
Not everyone at the club was happy about this change of relationship status. Many of the women felt they had a chance to end up in the Carson twins' bed. Ginger was one of them. Even though Chase made it plain that she'd complained to him about a low grade, which according to him she did deserve, and wasn't the anonymous tattle teller, she still glared at me when she saw me in the club with the twins.
For his part, Chase wore his perpetual scowl of disapproval as he watched the twins unbind their last client. The man still had serious resting bitch face. But when he glanced up at me, his features softened a little.
He'd been gone from the university for a week. Slowly and surely, he was loosening up. And by loosening up, he was getting me limber with a lot of sex.
So much sex.
I should be tired. I should be sore. Hell, I should have a UTI.
But nope. My lady bits liked what Chase, Owen, and Alan were doing to me on a nightly, and sometimes morningly, basis so much that I stayed a happy pink and not an angry red.
As for me, I already had a few clients lined up for my new therapy business. A couple were from the club, but I also had a few referrals from some of the Doms who wanted to ensure their subs had the mental healthcare that wasn't so readily available to them by other therapists.
My business was also gaining four walls downtown, and I'd acquired a partner. Chase would be consulting with me there. Not in the sex therapy department. He would deal with the average run of the mill mental and behavioral health issues. Alan and Owen and I were even talking about how they could use ropes and bondage to heal people in therapy.
We were a literal team. I couldn't believe it. I was living in the midst of a real-life happily ever after. Me, the girl who preferred cross-referenced sources to imaginative tales, was living the dream.
"Oh, look," said Maree. "The Queen is back."
Sure enough, the regent was seated on her throne. She wasn't yet thrust up into the air. Her courtiers were at the bar throwing back a drink. But there were a few men eyeing the praise chair as she flung back her gown to reveal her bare bottom. As the dress flitted over the back of the chair, a few of the feathers woven into the gown fluttered to the ground.
Ice crawled down my back as the feathers hit the floor. I glanced back up at the Queen to confirm my suspicions, but before I could take a step toward her, a hand reached out to stop me.
"Leave it, Kellie."
I looked up into Chase's stern gaze. There was a part of me that was programmed to heel at my teacher giving me an instruction. But the part of me that was determining if I wanted to be called his girlfriend or his partner reared.
"No," I said, wrenching my arm out of his hold. "She's going to answer for what she did to you."
I stormed up to the Queen, preparing to unseat her from her throne. She looked up at me. It took only a split second for recognition to dawn before she froze in absolute horror.
"Dr. Wroth."
Queen Wroth looked like she was going to be sick. Her gray eyes filled with tears. Her regal shoulders slumped. She wrapped her arms around herself.
"It was you? You wrote that anonymous letter about Chase, didn't you?"
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly."