Page 36 of Left in the Dark
Grabbing my mom’s arm, I nod toward the kitchen. “I’ll handle this. Why don’t you make us some popcorn and we’ll watch a movie.”
My mom gives me a nervous smile before she scowls at Delaney and walks away.
My attention moves to the girl I loved with all my heart, a scowl on my face. Her actions were reprehensible and unforgivable.
I level Delaney’s tearful face with a look that I’m certain could freeze even the warmest ocean. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“Z-Zayne. P-Please.” Tears roll down her face as her eyes plead with me. “I k-know I-I fucked up-p, but?—”
“You’re right. You fucked up. But so did I.” A glimmer of hope sparkles in her eyes. A sadistic part of me grins, anticipating her crushing disappointment from my next words. “I foolishly believed you cared about me. I was fucking delusional to think you loved me.”
She gasps, her face twisted in pain. Usually, that would cause me to melt like butter and do anything to make her smile again.Not anymore.
Her actions have hardened my heart. I’m resilient to her bullshit.
I glare at her, disgust punctuating every word. “You had your fun slumming it. Now that’s over.” My gaze rakes over her face, noting the bruises in various healing stages. “Looks like your pathetic, limp-dick boyfriend smacked you around. That’s what happens when you throw away the one you mistakenly believe to be ‘trash’ for the fucking devil.”
She blinks rapidly, but the tears spill down her cheeks. “Z-Zayne. P-Please. I-I’m sorry. Just h-hear me o-out.”
I shake my head. My hand squeezes the door handle so hard it feels like I’ll either crush it or my hand. “Go back to your pathetic boyfriend and your elite world, Delaney. You don’t fucking belong in mine.”
I step back, giving her one last, scathing glare before slamming the door in her face so hard the entire mobile home shakes.
Goddamn, her fucking nerve. Why the hell did she show up here?
My eyes lock with my mom, who stares at me with such sympathy that it makes my hackles rise. “I’m sorry she upset you, Mom.”
“Ditto, Zayne.” She releases a sigh. “I’m worried about you. She had no business coming here and upsetting you. I think she wants you back, and?—"
I straighten my posture, wincing from the pain. “I’m fine.” I glance out the living room window, watching her dejected shoulders fade into the darkness settling around us. “I’m done with her. Delaney and I are over.”
Ishift nervously from foot to foot, my dress sticking to me beneath my gown. I adjust my cap nervously.This is it. Graduation is finally here.
I fan myself with my program, pretending to glance around the room casually. Inwardly, I’m a fucking wreck as I search for Zayne.
I’m a glutton for punishment.
He made his disdain for me quite clear when I stopped by his house, and he slammed the door in my face. I know I deserved it, but that doesn’t mean that the agony that coursed through me was any less potent.
The bitch of it is that I’m still so head over heels for him that I can’t see anyone else. A piece of my heart will always belong to him, even if he doesn’t want it.
Goosebumps erupt over my body, and my attention immediately goes to the door. Zayne stands there, his gown hanging open, revealing the same dress shirt and pants he wore on prom night when he rescued me and took me to the lake.
It feels like a lifetime ago.
When his eyes lock with mine, tingles erupt beneath my skin. My mouth goes dry, and my face heats. He scowls at me withsuch poisonous hatred and disgust that I look away, feeling as though he just punched me in the stomach.
“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day Zayne looked at you like that,” Callie whispers. “Usually he stares at you like a starving man at a buffet, practically drooling all over himself.”
“Thanks, Callie. I needed to hear that.” I hide my pain behind sarcasm. Inwardly, I’m splintering apart, unsure that I can do this.
“Sorry, Laney.”
I blow out a breath and sneak a peek at him beneath my long lashes. He’s ignoring me, pretending I don’t exist.