Page 54 of Left in the Dark
I turn from the pancakes I just flipped, my hand on my hip and a brow arched as I regard Callie. “The old fake-it-till-you-make-it routine, huh?”
Callie bounds closer, ponytail swaying behind her. “You’ve done a great job of cutting all contact with those in Green Haven….”
“Even though you’ve physically moved away, your heart is still with Zayne.”
I turn back to the pancakes, fighting back tears as my heart squeezes inside my chest. I know what she’s saying is the truth, but I don’t want to admit it.
The pain swells like waves crashing against the shore, threatening to pull me under. The crushing agony of needing Zayne so fucking much only to find him kissing some trashy-looking woman in the bar still makes my heart ache.
Living in pain all the time sucks the joy out of everything.
I’m in sunny, beautiful Cape May, New Jersey, but I’m still cloaked in darkness, perpetually hidden beneath the shade of the dark cloud that hangs over me.
I’ve gotta find a way to get over him. We aren’t destined to be together.
“It’s your nineteenth birthday tomorrow. You only get one life. Make the most of it.”
I suck in a breath, resolve filling me.
Flashing her a bright smile, I nod enthusiastically. “You’re right. Time for a new beginning.”
“That’s the spirit.” She watches as I remove the golden pancakes from the stove. “I don’t know how you do it. I always burn them.”
I chuckle. “Because you start dancing around and singing into the spatula. You don’t pay attention until you smell them burning… or the smoke detector goes off.”
Callie laughs. “Touché.” A coy expression lights up her face. “Since you’re turning over a new leaf, why don’t you give Thomas a chance? He?—”
“Thomas the lifeguard? Bulging muscles, blond-haired surfer dude?”
“Yes, that Thomas. He seems to have a thing for you. I’ve seen him watching you. Hell, he even offered to teach you how to surf….”
“No.” Carrying the plate of pancakes to the table, dread fills my chest. There’s just something about Thomas that rubs me the wrong way.
I place the plate of pancakes in the center of the table. “He seems like a cocky asshole.”
Callie sets the syrup on the table before settling in her chair across from me. “He could be a nice guy underneath it all. Sometimes people protect themselves behind tough or cockydemeanors to keep from getting hurt.” She gives me a pointed look that I pretend to ignore.
“And if he is exactly as he appears on the outside?”
She picks up her fork. “Then you’ll know he’s a jerk and can move on to someone else. But not dating because you’re loyal to a guy back home is ludicrous.”
The bite of pancake I’m chewing tastes like sawdust.
Blowing out a breath, I paste a fake smile on my face. “I don’t know about Thomas. But I promise to try to get out there and experience life again.”
“That’s all I’m asking.”
Istayed far enough behind Mark that he didn’t notice me following him to Cape May. Even when he stopped at the rest stop, I chose a spot where he wouldn’t see me, ducking down in my seat into he returned to his vehicle.
Thankfully, he was oblivious.
Since we were nearly there, I grabbed a bottle of water from the small cooler on the passenger seat and twisted off the cap before downing it. I was so fucking thirsty, but I didn’t want to drink much and have to piss, figuring I’d end up losing Mark or him spotting me.