Page 72 of Left in the Dark
“Michael Myers.”
“That’s perfect. Not only will it hide your identity, but if Delaney spots you, you’ve gotta stay in character. He doesn’t talk.” Luca cocks his head. “I know where you can get?—”
Jaxson snorts. “That’ll be a fucking miracle getting Zayne to keep his trap closed. Hell, the first time Delaney confronts him, he’ll start running his big mouth.”
I roll my eyes. “We have voice modulators, asshole. I can put one inside the mask, just in case. Plus, the mask will likely distort my voice to a small degree.”
“What if she spots some Michael Myers masked wearing lunatic in the woods behind her rental and shoots your ass?”
“As long as she doesn’t shoot my dick, I don’t?—”
“Zayne.” Jaxson glares at me like he’s my damn father again.
As annoyed as I am with Jaxson’s attitude, Luca is making it damn hard to keep a straight face. He’s laughing his ass off. “Getting shot in the cock would suck.”
“No kidding.” I shift my weight, my hands protectively covering my dick.
“Would you two stop it?” Jaxson shakes his head. “Seriously, Zayne, think this through. If Richard Warner critically injured her mother, why wouldn’t he do the same to Delaney? Or worse, kill?—”
“No way in fucking hell.” My booming voice echoes off the tree as I snarl like a rabid animal. “He won’t fucking touch her. I’ll make damn sure of it.”
A genuine smile curls Jaxson’s lips. “The man has a heart… and it still beats for Delaney Warner.”
“Fuck you, asshole.”
Ihave this uncanny feeling I’m being watched, and I can’t shake it.
It’s just your imagination because you’re alone in the woods.
Figuring a bath may help, I strip off my clothes and pad into the bathroom to the tub. Goosebumps suddenly flare over every inch of my body. I straighten, my gaze darting around, but no one is there.
Shaking it off, I pour a capful of bubble bath in the water. The hair stands up on the back of my neck.
Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around myself and cautiously creep into my bedroom. My gaze darts around my room, but everything is as I left it.
My ears strain for any noise from downstairs, but it’s silent.
After grabbing my phone, I pull up the app for the security system, grateful Randy left a printed page with detailed instructions on how to use the system.
Nothing is amiss.
Shaking my head, I grab my earbuds and yank the towel off before climbing into the tub. I randomly choose a playlist, then set my phone on the edge of the tub.
Sinking beneath the warm bubbles, I let my mind wander.
Of course, the first place it goes is Zayne fucking Morine. The guy who smashed my motherfucking heart into tiny pieces.
I close my eyes, knowing it’s useless to fight the onslaught of memories.Might as well embrace them….
Zayne looked solost and nervous. My heart ached for him, being the new kid in school. When my gaze moved over the holes in his worn jeans, his dirty sneakers, and his well-worn tee, I knew the other kids were going to give him problems.
I underestimated what they’d do to him because I had no idea his mom was working as one of the cafeteria workers and his father was a custodian.
As soon as Tim found out, he spread the news like wildfire. Then he and my brother paid Jimmy Martin, one of the meanest kids in school, to pick on Zayne.