Page 89 of Left in the Dark
Another car pulls up behind it, and Delaney’s brother, Daniel, and his best friend, Tim Edwards, climb out. I smirk as I watch them imitate Richard.
Fucking corrupt assholes.
I have a video Stryker found on the dark web of those four motherfuckers slapping young girls around and then fucking them. I’d love to send it to everyone gathered here right now.
But I can’t. They’d kill Delaney and her mother if I did.
I look away before my rage gets the best of me. My gaze scans the assembled crowd, spotting too many assholes from high school.
Jimmy Martin, the asshole who humiliated me in the cafeteria, dumping my lunch over my head, stands a short distance away. He’s sporting a huge gut and a double chin now. My gaze moves to the woman standing beside him. It’s Linda, the former cheerleader now a washed-up, bleach-blonde woman who scowls at three whiny children screaming about boredom.
I feel you there, kids.
I nearly snort aloud when the couple in front of them turns around and strikes up a conversation, asking Jimmy and Linda how married life is going.
If I had to guess, not too fucking good.
Hidden beneath the shadows, I stand there with my hands in the pockets of my jeans, hoping they get this motherfucking show on the road. I have shit to do.
Movement to my left draws my attention. My breath stutters in my chest as Delany saunters to the edge of the crowd, stopping about three feet from me. She’s clad in a black leather jacket, a red and black scarf wound around her neck. The pair of dark blue denim jeans hugs her delectable ass and legs. A pair of black-heeled booties completes the look.
Dark sunglasses shield her eyes, but I don’t need to see them to know her gaze is laser-focused on her father and his goons. Anger swirls around her like a tornado as she crosses her arms over her chest, looking every bit like a badass woman.
What are you doing here, minx?
I silently curse myself for using that nickname. Her phone rings, and I tense as she grabs it, turning toward the tree. I quickly step behind it, knowing I can’t let her see my face. My hoodie is pulled over my head, but she’d certainly recognize me.
“Hey, Callie,” I hear her say.
She pauses momentarily, saying, “I decided to crash my father’s speech.”
There’s more silence before an evil laugh comes from Delaney’s lips, making my dick hard. “Don’t worry about me. Everything is under control.”
I hear her boots moving away, so I peek around the tree. She’s moved away, her eyes on her phone.
Slowly moving around the tree, my eyes bore into her back. She glances around as though she feels my gaze, but she doesn’t turn around.
Mmmm, Delaney. If you only knew how close I am to grabbing you and stuffing you in my truck. If there weren’t so many people around, I wouldn’t hesitate.
Dickhead Warner giveshis fucking boring ass speech, droning on forever about how much safer he’s made Green Haven and a ton of other fucking lies. Delaney’s posture is rigid, her muscles taut as though poised for an attack.
A breeze kicks up, and her long hair swirls around her face. She pushes her sunglasses on her head, giving me a clear view of her profile as she stares daggers at her father.
When Tim takes the stage after her father speaks, telling the crowd to give another round of applause to the mayor, I swear Delaney hisses like a viper. She stares at Tim with unadulterated hatred burning in her eyes.
It’s about fucking time you see him for the asshole he is. Why the fuck did you go near him in high school? Was it because of your father? Or were you secretly playing me, and Tim fucked you over, so now you despise him?
Tim starts talking about the annual safety award, and judging from his sorry-ass speech and the hero worship all overhis face, I already know who will get it. Marsha Michaels, who holds the award, stands off to the side of the stage.
I’m not surprised when he announces Daniel and Richard Warner as the award winners.
Delaney’s lip curls in a disgusted sneer.
As Daniel’s eyes scan the crowd, they stop on Delaney. Surprise momentarily contorts his face before he smirks. He nudges Richard, who follows his gaze. He tries to keep the hatred off his face, but I see it burning in his eyes as he flashes her his fake politician smile.
As Daniel and Tim step away from the podium, waving at the crowd, Marsha moves to the microphone with a big smile curling her pink lips.
“Well, folks, we have a special surprise. Ms. Delaney Warner is in the audience. Delaney, come onstage and congratulate your father and brother.”