Page 91 of Left in the Dark
I’m trailing Delaney, staying a safe distance away as she stomps through town, long dark locks flying behind her, leaves crunching beneath her boots.
Pulling up his contact information, I watch as Delaney turns right onto Oak Street.
“Hey, Zayne. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Stryker’s deep voice comes through the line.
“Wanna earn some extra money?”
“I’m up for it. What’s up?”
I love this guy. Doesn’t even ask what it’s about. He’s just ready for action.
“Remember Delaney Warner? The one I had you research?”
“Ahh, yes. Your woman.”
I raise my brows. “Yes and no. She used to be… now she’s… well, it’s complicated.”
“Code for there’s a bunch of unresolved shit between the two of you, yet you still want her.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” Even though he’s skirting too close to the truth, I admire his honesty. “She made herself a target.”
I fill him in on what transpired, including a brief synopsis of her mom’s car accident and subsequent hospitalization and her father refusing to allow her to visit her mom.
Stryker whistles. “Jesus. That was a bold move on her part. What do you need me to do?”
“Help me protect her. Keep her safe while I go after her ex and brother.”
“You got it. I can be in Green Haven in about two hours.”
“I’ll book a?—”
“Don’t worry about it, Zayne. I’ve got it. You tail Delaney and keep her safe until I get there.”
“Stryker, you’re a helluva man.”
“Appreciate it, Zayne.” He pauses before he says, “I owe you. Megan Ward was my cousin. She would have been trafficked if you hadn’t intervened.”
“Fuck, man. I never made the connection.”
“Understandable. But I owe you.”
“Nah. You owe me nothing. I’m glad I could get there before they got her on the boat.”
“You’re the best, Zayne. Seriously.”
I grin, watching Delaney enter the bookstore. “You, too, kid. See you soon.”
Ending the call, I head to the back entrance. The old bookstore has two floors since it was an old house before it was converted into commercial space.
I make sure my mask is still inside the pocket of my hoodie before I head inside.
I’m fuming as I stomp toward the bookstore.