Page 48 of Inertia
“You have to,” I murmur as I grab my phone from the cupholder in the car.
“Don’t you understand?” Ainsley raises her voice, her body falling into the door as I take a turn too quickly. “She’s going to throw me in rehab.”
“I know.”
Ainsley lets out a harsh laugh. “I can’t believe you. You’re going to let her just lock me away in there and be okay with that? You were supposed to be on my side!”
“And I am!” I yell back at her. The tension in the air is suffocating me. “You need help, Ainsley. Rehab is the best place for you right now. It’s obvious that you can’t handle that outpatient shit.”
“Fuck you, Killian,” she barks. “What the fuck do you know?”
“Look at you! You were never sober since you started that program and you’re back to shooting fucking dope. It’s. Not. Working.”
She glares at me and I press harder on the gas, the car easing forward at a faster speed. I need to get her home and out of this car now.
“Turn the car around,” she whispers. Her words are slow as she’s caught in the turmoil of riding out her high and feeling the emotions. “Please, Killian. If you love me, you won’t do this.”
I look over at her, watching the tears fill her bloodshot eyes. “I’m doing this because I love you.” My eyes match hers and I don’t bother fighting the tears as they fall down the sides of my face. “I won’t quit on you, baby. I promise. I’ll be out here waiting for you.”
A sob escapes Ainsley and her shoulders shake as she begins to cry. Reaching out, I grab her hand, taking it in mine. She lifts her head, looking back at me before glancing out the front windshield. Her eyes widen, a sheer look of panic consuming her expression. “Killian! Look out!”
I tear my gaze from hers, glancing out the windshield as bright lights meet us head-on. I wasn’t paying attention to the road, instead I was solely focused on her. The car had drifted into the other lane and now we are heading directly into the front of a tractor trailer.
I drop Ainsley’s hand in a rush, grabbing the steering wheel as I jerk it to the side and step on the brakes. The tires squeal, the car swerves and spins. I lose control. Ainsley screams and I hold my breath. I hear the loud crash, the crushing of metal. Our bodies are jolted as we collide with something.
I look over at Ainsley as my head smashes into the window.
There’s nothing that I can do to stop it. Ainsley vanishes and the darkness pulls me under.