Page 34 of Antidote
A chuckle rumbles in my chest, floating from my lips as they curl upward. “Come on, Ainsley baby. I know that you’re not stupid enough to think that I would ever ask you to leave.”
“You did it before,” she retorts, her voice low and laced with pain.
I swallow roughly over the emotion thick in my throat. It’s impossible to ignore the pain that washes over her expression as she stares down at me. Reaching up, I tuck stray strands of her hair behind her ear, slowly dragging my knuckles along her jaw.
“I fucked up,” I murmur, flattening my palm along the side of her jaw. “I never wanted you to go. I just did what I thought was the best for you at the time.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. Just remember that you did it before so it’s a little hard for me to truly believe that you wouldn’t do it again.”
My other hand finds the side of her face and I pull her down to me. “I can’t make you believe me, but I’m telling you the truth. Never again, baby girl. You’re stuck with me in this life and all of the ones to come.”
Ainsley slides her hands through my tousled hair as her lips collide with mine. Her kiss is brutally slow and gentle, as if she’s savoring every last taste of me. There’s pain that lingers on the tip of her tongue as she strokes mine softly. I move my lips with hers, our mouths fusing together as she stains my soul.
This isn’t like the last time. Fuck, every time with her feels like the first time, even though our bodies know each other inside and out. There’s still that euphoria, like the first time that you do drugs. It’s that high that you continue to chase with every fix after. This isn’t a high that I have to chase because the intensity only grows with every hit of Ainsley in my system.
I’m utterly fucking in love with this girl.
It doesn’t take long before we both strip down to nothing, leaving our bodies bare and exposed. Her hooded eyes stare straight through me, staring past my flesh and straight into my soul. I feel her in my fucking blood stream, in my bones. She sank her claws deep inside me long ago and she’s embedded under my skin.
Our surroundings fade as I slip inside her, feeling her pussy instantly clenching around me. It’s better than any high that I’ve ever felt before in my life. She starts slow, shifting her hips as she rides me. I watch in awe, completely captivated by her ethereal beauty. The world doesn’t deserve someone like her. Shit, I don’t even deserve to have her, but I will never take her for granted again.
My hands fall on her ass, my fingertips digging into her flesh as I tighten my grip on her cheeks. I top her from the bottom, lifting my hips, meeting her with each thrust as she bounces up and down on my cock. Usually I’m in control, but I love seeing her like this.
Her tits bounce, moving with the way her body shifts as she fucks me. I fuck her back, filling her to the brim, deeper and deeper with each thrust. The look of pure ecstasy on her face has me fucking lost. I can’t stop staring at her, touching her, memorizing every goddamn inch of her beautiful body.
Ainsley stares down at me, a fire burning in the depths of her brown irises. Her lips part slightly, her pussy clenching as we both reach the peak. The climax. The fucking fall.
Gripping her ass, I thrust forcefully into her once more. Her head falls back, a low moan slipping from her lips as she shatters around my cock, losing herself as her orgasm tears through her body with such force. Her body shakes, riding out the aftershocks of the earthquake.
Her pussy grips me so fucking tight, I can’t hold it back anymore. I follow closely behind her, plunging over the edge deep into the abyss as I lose myself in her. She milks my cock with her pussy as she rides out her high, pulling me into the clouds with her as we fucking float.
“Fuck. I love you,” I murmur as she collapses against my chest.
She drags her tongue along my sternum before planting her lips against the base of my throat. “I love you,” she breathes, burying her face in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around her, holding her flush against me as my cock throbs inside her.
I never want to come down from this high.
It’s a withdrawal that I would never survive.
Killian wasn’t happy when I left last night, but we both knew that I couldn’t stay. It was risky enough being alone with him in his room, naked in his bed. We were fortunate enough not to get caught, but it had to be the last time.
With the new admit coming in today, there’s no way that we could get away with it now. I know Killian though. Even though he agreed, that doesn’t mean a damned thing. He knows what he wants and he stops at nothing until he gets it. I’m easily persuaded by him, so I can only hope that he doesn’t have any other ideas floating around in that beautiful mind of his.
It’s well into the afternoon and I’ve spent my morning getting ready for the new patient coming in. It was tempting to sneak away and see Killian just one last time, but I resisted. The program must be working for me because he’s the biggest addiction in my life and I was able to abstain.
I sit at my desk, doodling on a notepad when they finally walk in. Two guys walk in, stark opposites of one another. It’s easy to pick out which one is here for treatment and which one is the friend who gave him a ride here.
His name is Ander, the tall one with dark messy hair. Dark bags line underneath his eyes, his cheekbones poking through the wary skin on his face. He looks like absolute shit. Like he had been living at the bottom of the pit of addiction for some time now and was finally climbing out.
His friend, Troy, looks bright eyed and bushy tailed, like he’s stepping into a new adventure by bringing his friend here. He’s clean cut and looks like he hasn’t touched a hard drug in his life. I’m happy for him, I really am. And my heart fucking breaks for Ander as he suspiciously glances around the room.
Troy walks up to the desk first, with Ander trailing behind him. He drops the duffel bag that was in his hand beside Ander’s feet on the floor in front of the desk. I stand up as they stare at me from the other side, smiling brightly at them, letting them know that this is a safe place.
“Welcome to Better Daze Treatment Center!” My voice is soft and as warm as the expression on my face. “I’m Ainsley. You must be Ander.” I smile in an attempt to make him feel welcomed as I extend my arm to shake his hand. “We’ve been waiting for you to get here.”