Page 16 of Unholy Obsessions
Selene helps me lift both bodies onto a stretcher, piling them on top of one another. I secure them to it with the straps before wheeling the stretcher out of the room. She stays back with all the cleaning supplies that I brought in from one of the storage closets. We never do our dirty work outside these walls, so it has always been important to keep the supplies that we need here.
Even though this place is abandoned and there would be no way to connect the bodies to us, the last thing that we need is to leave even the smallest piece of evidence. Covering our tracks is of the utmost importance, and Selene knows from experience that we cannot get caught doing what we do.
I take the bodies down into the basement and slip them into the incinerator before turning it on. It’s always a risk because the smoke could draw attention, but it was never anything that I had ever been truly concerned about. The asylum is in the woods, far enough from civilization that no one would question the smoke.
People are always burning shit around here, whether it’s trash or a bonfire with some friends. Some of us just decide to burn bodies instead.
To each their own, right?
We don’t live anywhere near a big enough body of water that we could easily dump them in, where no one would ever find them again. Plus, burning seemed to be the easiest way of taking care of them. I know it was the way that Selene’s father taught her, so it’s the method that she clung to, but she took it even further.
She was fucking obsessive with cleaning. She would come back the next day and suck up the ashes in a vacuum cleaner before disposing of them three towns over in the lake there. I never questioned what she did. I know it’s something that Selene needs to do to feel safer.
After flipping on the switch and wiping down the stretcher, I head back up to the room, finding Selene on her knees, viciously scrubbing the floor. I grab another pair of rubber gloves, slipping them on as I drop down beside her to help. We work in silence, scrubbing every last piece of evidence from the room.
I lose track of time, but once we’re done cleaning and walking out of the building, the sun is beginning to crest the horizon. Selene and I walk deep into the woods for about fifteen minutes until we get to one of the roads that borders the property line. We continue across the empty street, hand in hand until we reach an abandoned garage.
We slip inside the building through a broken door and I push open the large bay door. That’s one of the nice things about this area. There are so many empty buildings and places to hide. We found this garage a few years ago. I don’t know who it belongs to, but it’s where we store the car while we take care of business. The last thing I need is something with my fucking name on it pointing toward us at the asylum.
I press the button on the key fob to unlock the car as Selene walks around to the other side and slides inside. I jump into my seat and quickly pull the car out of the garage. Then, I get backout and close the bay door, making it look like we were never even here.
Selene’s silent on our way back to the house, staring out the window lost in her warped fucking thoughts.
“What’s going on with you?”
She glances over at me. “I honestly don’t know. I just feel off right now, like something isn’t sitting well with me.”
A frown forms on my lips as I direct my attention back onto the road. “Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know. I know there was no one there, but I can’t shake the feeling like we weren’t alone. You said it yourself about my father and look what happened to him.”
I reach out to her, taking her hand in mine. “Don’t get in that headspace, baby. You know that we don’t do that kind of shit around here.”
It’s as if my words instantly sink in. Selene’s eyes grow clearer, and she shakes her head like she’s shaking away the thoughts. It isn’t often that either of us gets affected by things like that. We live from one god complex to the next. And with the way that she’s looking at me right now, I know that she’s feeling that energy as it courses through her body.
“You were wrong when you said that we’re only untouchable until we get caught.” She pauses, the corner of her lips tilting up. “You and I aren’t my father. We’re both smarter and more careful than he was. We won’t get caught because there’s nothing for us to get caught with.”
“I know,” I tell her, gripping the steering wheel with one hand, spinning it as I turn into our driveway. Pulling the car up to the iron gates, I slide the window down and reach out to the small keypad. Instead of punching in the code, I hold my thumb up to the fingerprint reader and watch as it scans my print. It lights up green, a quiet beep sounds and the gates slowly open.
As I pull through the gates, I look back at Selene. “What we did tonight was risky and I need you to remember that we can’t go around doing shit like that. We have a system in place and that’s what keeps us untouchable.”
Selene scoffs, her nostrils flaring as she rolls her eyes at me. “It looked to me like you were enjoying it.”
“I never said that I didn't,” I snap back at her, my hand tightening around hers. “Just remember, we sit at the top of the food chain, and if we want to keep it that way, we need to check ourselves every now and then.”
“Yes, daddy.” Her voice is sweet, but I don’t miss the way that her lip curls with her snarl. Selene isn’t one for being reprimanded, and it has a way of bringing out her vindictive side. We’re one and the same—twin flames with the darkest souls. We’re both energy feeders, and it doesn’t take much for each of us to bring out the darkness in one another.
“Keep running your fucking mouth, and I’ll show you who your fucking daddy is when you’re suffocating with my cock shoved down your throat.”
I tear my eyes away from Selene, feeling hers still on me as I whip the car down the winding driveway through the estate. Trees line the blacktop, creating a dark, eerie canopy that you drive through to get to the main house.
After I turned eighteen and got Selene out of that hellhole house that we were living in, I found out that my biological family was actually fucking loaded. My mother had died during childbirth. My father was married to his career, which is why he gave me up and I ended up in the foster system. He didn’t give a shit about me, but that’s water under the bridge.
He passed away and left me an entire fortune. I’m talking about amounts of money that you couldn’t even fathom. I was his only heir, so it was rightfully mine. Since Selene and I wereliving on the streets at the time, it couldn’t have happened at a better time.