Page 20 of Unholy Obsessions
He helped her understand herself when no one else could make any sense of her. With him, she didn't feel alone because she didn’t have to be anymore.
Then when he was taken from her, her entire world was turned upside down. Until she met me. Call it fate, call it destiny; we were meant to be together. It was like staring into a distorted mirror, another fucked-up version of myself.
Where I am calculated and controlled, Selene is unhinged and sporadic. We complement each other. And the only way to make sense of it is us being twin flames, two halves of one whole. She was the missing piece in my life.
We complete each other because we are the same person. Over time, we’ve become so dependent on one another, it’s like we’ve formed the same attachment that Selene had with her father when she was a child. And I get it—I totally do—but I also know how unhealthy it is.
Life isn’t guaranteed, especially when you’re living from one adrenaline rush to the next, one kill to another. The life we live is risky as fuck, and it wouldn’t take much for us to lose all of it. It wouldn’t take much for us to lose everything, including each other.
The air is cold on my wet skin as I lift Selene in my arms and climb out of the red lit water. Opening one of the fake rocks, I reach inside and pull out a massive towel to wrap around her naked body. We had that installed because it makes it a lot easier to have shit accessible with the way we both operate.
Especially on nights like this, when we’re both naked in the pool and it’s fucking cold out. Selene nestles her head in the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms tighter around me as she murmurs something against my skin. I don’t know what she says, but I carry her into the house without another word.
As I step through the French doors, both fucking dogs are right there. Their lips curl upward, a low snarl coming from their chests as they eyeball me. “Fuck you both,” I growl back, ignoring their threats.
They won’t fucking touch me, not unless Selene gives them the go-ahead to attack. Both dogs circle around my feet, their necks outstretched as they smell Selene’s legs and feet wrapped around my torso.
“See? Your master is fucking fine,” I assure them, before pushing past both of them and heading toward the stairs in the foyer. The wooden floor is cold beneath my feet as I carry Selene upstairs and head back to our bedroom.
The bed is still a mess of pillows, with the comforter ruffled after she climbed out and rushed to find me in the pool. I walk over to her side and lower her down into the spot where she was lying earlier.
“Come back to bed with me?” she asks softly, her eyes peering up at me as I pull the comforter back up to her chin. Reaching down, I brush a piece of hair away from her face. She appears so innocent and pure; the thought of what she’s capable of is such a stark contrast to seeing her lying in bed right now. “Please?”
Even though I'm not tired, I still give her what she wants and climb onto the mattress behind her. Scooting across the bed, I tuck myself under the covers, lying with her back pressed against the front of me, wrapping my arm around her torso.
There’s an unusual tenderness between us, and it’s vastly different to our usual violence. Selene isn’t what she’s perceived to be, and if anyone knew the truth about her, they wouldn’t understand. She isn’t her demons, she has just learned how to coexist with them in the same way that I have.
Two serial killers who come equipped with a tragic past, multiple mental diagnoses, and god complexes that could never be eradicated. No one understands her like I do. Seeing this tender side of her shows that she doesn’t completely fit the psychopath mold; she obliterates it and makes her own place instead.
She’s made her own place inside my rib cage, rooted right inside my rotten fucking heart.
She might be a monster, but she’s my monster.
Things between Onyx and I have calmed down. We satisfied our needs long enough that we’ve gone a few weeks without another kill. I don’t know if it has to do with the thought of getting caught hanging over us like a dark, ominous cloud. Either way, neither of us has expressed any need to scratch that itch. To draw blood and paint it on the walls.
Instead, we’ve been spending our time buried in one another and following through with the mundane routines of life. We’re both in a weird state where we aren’t sure if we want to cross that line, but it’s only a matter of time. Sooner or later, one of us is going to get restless, and we’re going to have to do something about it.
And it will awaken the monster inside the other. Together, we’re a fucking hurricane, leaving nothing but destruction in our wake.
“Where are you going?” Onyx questions me from his spot on the massive couch in the living room as I walk through the kitchen. He leans forward, sitting up straighter before getting up. My eyes rake over his body as he rises to his feet. His naked chest is covered in tattoos, but free of any clothes. A pair ofblack joggers hug his hips, revealing the deep V that disappears beneath his waistband.
“I need to go to the grocery store and get some food. I don’t know if you noticed or not, but we’re almost out of everything.”
Onyx raises an eyebrow as he strides toward me. “So, we’ll order some food like we always do.”
I shake my head, realizing he’s not following what I'm getting at. “No, Ineedto go to the store.”
His eyebrows pinch together, not picking up on the social cues as usual. Neither of us ever fully does, but I at least learned how to mask it better after everything my father taught me.
“I’m getting bored and just want to get out of the house. I know we can order take-out, but I need to do something.”
I guess it was me who was going to get restless first.
Onyx narrows his eyes slightly, a sinister gleam swimming in his bright blue irises. “You’re going out on a hunt without me?”