Page 23 of Unholy Obsessions
What the fuck?
I tear my eyes away from the mirror, watching the black sedan as it races down the road. My eyes scan the back of it, looking for a license plate but there isn’t one on the damn thing. Its tires squeal as the driver runs a red light, whipping it through the intersection before turning down another street and disappearing behind a building.
Selene gets into the car, her face red and her eyes wide. “What the fuck was that? I thought you said there was no one in the car.”
“The windows were tinted, so it was hard to be sure. Why the fuck are you mad at me? You’re the dumbass who got out of the car and decided to go investigate. What did I tell you, Selene? You’re going to get both of us killed if you keep pulling shit like this.”
“Whoever it was, they didn’t want me to see their face. They pulled into that spot not long after we got here, almost as if they followed us. And as soon as I got close, they took off before I could see them.”
My stomach sinks and the dread sets in, mixing with the high I was just feeling from our hunt for Maxwell. Suddenly, he doesn’t seem as important, and what we’re here for doesn’t really matter. There’s something else going on now, something far more dire and pressing that demands all of our attention.
After that night at the abandoned asylum, when we thought we heard something, like someone was watching us and we found nothing… there's no way this is a coincidence. The person in that car followed us, which means they’ve been watching us—I just don’t know for how long.
My eyes meet Selene’s. “They followed us here.”
“Someone was at the asylum, weren’t they?”
I swallow hard over the knives lodged in my throat. “I think there might have been.”
“Did you see the license plate?” she asks, turning sideways in her seat. “I wasn’t able to see the face of the person who was driving.”
I shake my head. “There wasn’t one.”
“So, it wasn’t a cop then,” she muses out loud. “We’ll find out whoever the fuck it is.”
I stare back at her, my eyes shifting between her hazel irises. For the first time in my life, I think I know what fear might feel like, and I don’t like it. You know what they say—animals react out of fear.
And I’m going to kill that motherfucker when I find them.
The ride back to the house is sobering. The high from chasing after Maxwell no longer lingers in the air. Onyx suggested we put that little mission on the back burner, and I couldn’t agree more. As lovely as it would be to spill his blood, it’s way too risky now, especially knowing that someone is definitely following us.
I don’t know what they saw that night. Maybe they didn’t see everything that happened with Ian, and only saw the other body that was there. Both of us had masks on, so it’s not like our faces were visible to the person lurking in the shadows.
Either way, we’re in a fucking sticky situation now. This is when the hunter becomes the hunted, the predator becomes the prey. And this cannot fucking happen.
There is too much at stake. We’ve come too far for this to all go to shit just from one little slip-up like this. And in reality, it all comes down to me and my lack of impulse control. If I could just stop being so goddamn careless and learn a little bit of self-control, this wouldn’t have happened.
Ian had to be dealt with, regardless. He had somehow followed the other guy there and found his body, which was on Onyx. I can’t put all the blame on him though. We got carriedaway with each other, wrapped up in our warped little game, and forgot the importance of taking care of shit first. We should have disposed of the body and cleaned up the evidence before indulging in our unholy obsessions with one another.
Onyx pulls the car into the garage, but when he gets out, he doesn’t even bother going into the house. I stay in the passenger seat, staring blankly at the wall. I understand his frustration and agitation with me right now, but I don’t think it’s fully directed at me.
We both fucked up, and now we both have to figure out how the hell we’re going to deal with this.
We have absolutely no information to work with. There isn’t a name pinned on the mysterious person following us. We don’t have a goddamn thing to tie them to the asylum, just a sound and a feeling. Having a license plate number would have been helpful, but even then, it could have been a stolen car.
We're completely fucked, and I don’t know how the hell we’re going to get out of this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.
Onyx heads out of the garage, his form disappearing as he walks around the outside of the house. I don’t have to ask to know where he’s going. He’s going to the place where I can always expect to find him when his mind is troubled like this—the only place he can find silence and sort through the madness in his mind.
I slowly climb out of the car, feeling the tension hanging heavily in the air. Instead of exerting my anger, I bury it deep inside and gently close the door rather than slamming it. Inside the house, the dogs stay silent; they’ve been trained not to bark. If anyone were to try and break-in, they wouldn’t expect to encounter two vicious animals because they don’t make a sound They don’t draw attention to themselves. They make themselves invisible, lurking in the darkness until it’s time to attack.
Perhaps it’s time to resort to true animalistic measures. It’s time to take a page from their playbook.
I walk around the side of the house, heading toward the patio when I hear the surface of the water breaking. As I pass the outdoor sectional at the back of the house, I see Onyx’s clothes in a pile by the edge of the pool. Instead of jumping in after him, I sit on the edge and dip my legs into the water.