Page 3 of Unholy Obsessions
This was the first place that she saw the real me.
Abandoning the mutilated body, I slip into the moldy closet, holding my knife close to my chest as I listen to her footsteps growing closer. Pinching my lips closed, I hold my breath, waiting for her to enter the room. I hear her sharp intake of air echoing in the small space. A smile creeps onto my lips as she takes in my latest masterpiece laid out on the floor.
“Onyx,” she sings to me through the darkness. “Where are you?”
She moves around the room, inching closer to the closet. As she reaches it, she lifts her head in high alert, glancing to the other side of the room. With her back facing me, I seize the opportunity.
My movements are stealthy and quick as I slip out of the closet, grabbing her from behind. A scream slips from her lips but I silence her, clamping my hand over her mouth. Her body stills against me as I lift my knife, holding it against her neck, positioned right along her carotid.
“You want to play, little devil?” I breathe against her ear, pressing the blade harder against the soft skin on her throat. Her pulse vibrates under my hand, the thrill running rampant through my system.
Her head bobs against my grip as my knife nicks the top layer of her skin. The warmth of her body against mine and the blood trickling down the side of her neck has my cock fucking throbbing. Selene presses her ass into me, grinding against my erection.
I drag my tongue along the shell of her ear, nipping at her cartilage. “Run.”
Pulling the knife away from her throat, I drop my hands to my side. Selene glances at me over her shoulder, her hazel eyes shining with mischief as she takes off. She jumps over the body on the floor, clearing the pool of crimson liquid as she darts out of the room.
Twirling my knife in my hand, I give her a head start, counting the cracks in the wall until I reach ten. “Ready or not, devil girl,” I call out, a sinister grin settling on my lips as I stalk through the room. “I’m coming for you.”
Her laughter floats from the maze of rubble, bouncing off the chipped walls of the hallways. I begin to whistle as I stalk through the halls, the predator chasing its prey. The asylum is like our own personal playground.A playground for the depraved.Only the soulless dare to step foot in this place, but none of them ever last.
It’s gotten such a bad rep because numerous people have gone missing after entering. It was always chalked up to this place being haunted—demonic souls lurking in the shadows, bringing them to their untimely doom. Little does the world know, I am the demon who lives in the darkness.
The bodies are never recovered because I know how to make them vanish for good. When I was younger, I was fucking sloppy.There were a few close calls, but we essentially lived off the grid. I wasn’t on the cops’ radar—just the quiet kid in school whose foster parents painted his skin with black and blue marks.
I was on Selene’s radar before I even realized it.
Her father was one of the country's most notorious serial killers. Sirius Hayes. Everything Selene knew, she learned from him, and she saw it in me instantly. Sirius wanted her to be his prodigy after he noticed similarities between the two of them. He saw pieces of himself in her and wanted her to be a part of his world.
Selene’s brother was Sirius’ downfall. When he found out about Sirius’ extracurricular activities, he panicked and called the police. Their mother didn’t even know what was going on, so it was a complete shock to the family, except for Selene. She didn’t handle his absence well and at the ripe age of twelve she tried to drown her younger brother in an effort to get back at him for what he did.
Gemma realized that even though Sirius was gone, he had created a monster who was living under her roof. She claimed that she couldn’t handle Selene, but I think she didn’t want to assume responsibility for whatever Selene might do. She was a painful reminder of how Sirius had destroyed their lives.
Selene was thrown into foster care, and that’s how she ended up living under the same roof as me—my little monster, the one who speaks the same language as me.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” I sing the words, twirling my knife as I duck through the hallways, dodging chunks of the ceiling that hang from above. “I know you want me to find you, pretty little devil.”
The faint smell of vanilla drifts through the hall and I know that I’m getting closer to her. I follow her scent, but as I turn corner after corner, she’s not there. My heart thumps in mychest to a calm, steady beat. The chase is a high of its own, and adrenaline courses through my veins as I stalk my prey.
Selene’s good at this game because even though she’s my prey tonight, she’s a fucking predator.
“Can’t you find me, love?” Her voice floats from the opposite direction of where I was headed. Spinning on my heel, I catch sight of her long, midnight-colored hair as she darts through another doorway, her laughter following behind her.
I break out into a jog in the direction that I saw her disappear, clutching my knife in my hand. The need to spill blood mixes with the lust and the thrill of the chase. We’re toeing a dangerous line, but we’ve never been afraid to cross it before.
She’s going to wish I never found her after I’m done with her.
When I was a child, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease. An illness of the mind. Sick in the fucking head. My mother resented me for it, but it was my father’s favorite part about me. He was the only one who made me feel like I was something—like I actually had a reason for being on this planet.
My father took the darkness that brewed inside me and harnessed it, turning it into a masterpiece. Sirius Hayes was an artist, and I was his prodigy. He was my guiding light, the devil on my shoulder. There was a monster inside me, and my father knew exactly how to handle it.
He was the only one who understood how I felt—or rather, how I didn’t feel. My father saved my life and taught me how to live a normal one, one that society would find acceptable. I learned how to behave and act in front of others and that the monster could only come out to play behind closed doors.
I was reckless, irrational, and impulsive. He tried his best to teach me a different way—to be calculated and careful. I learned his ways as best as I could, and with his guidance, I was able to implement them… until I lost him.