Page 53 of Craved By a Wolf
It was difficult to keep hold of it when he heard her speaking to a male.
One who reeked of sex.
A fucking incubus if Kin had to guess.
“Oh, Fenix.” Hella sounded far too soft and tender and he growled low when he sensed her move and her signature blended with this Fenix’s one. She was touching the male. Rage poured through him, scouring his veins like hot acid, and it only grew worse when she continued. “You’ve lost so much weight. Hang on… I have just the thing. I’ve been saving it for you.”
What had she been saving for this male in particular?
Kin tugged at his bonds again, unable to resist attempting to break free of them, and not because he didn’t like being chained or his memories were in danger of overwhelming him this time. He wasn’t sure his memories could steal his focus away from Hella, not while she was pressed close to another male.
He didn’t relax even when he felt her move away from the incubus. Glass clinked. Something rattled.
“It’s here somewhere.” She made a small noise of frustration, one that Kin echoed as a growl as he shifted his focus to the incubus and couldn’t stop himself from wondering something. Was he handsome? Had Hella slept with this male? She stole his focus again as she announced, “It survived!”
What survived? MacKinnon grunted and yanked on his bonds again, needing to know the answer to that question. Was this incubus just a client? Or something more? She sounded fond of him. In fact, he had never heard her sound so warm. Tender.
She cared about this male.
“I’ll stand, thanks.” The male’s deep voice held a warm note too, a teasing one.
“I knew you’d be back, so I continued our work.” More glass clinked and Kin smelled different odours. Was she making a spell? She sounded bright as she added, “I have a whole bunch of leads for you. Several locations of mages I think you should definitely check out. I’ll dig them out of the bag when I’m done with this.”
“That’s the best news I’ve had in a long time.”
Kin glared at his hips, staring through them to the floor below. This incubus cared about Hella too. Was working with her. Why were they looking for mages?
“Still seeing the nymph?” That question leaving Fenix’s lips had Kin stilling and holding his breath, curious as to how much Hella would tell him.
This male knew about Hella and the nymph, a subject Kin wanted to know more about.
“No.” There was a sharp edge to her tone and her movements grew jerky and irritated. “He got too clingy.”
Her mood shifted, turning darker but laced with a dash of fear that had Kin idly tugging at his restraints, wanting to obey his need to go to her and hold her and tell her that she didn’t need to worry about the nymph.
He would take care of the male for her.
“He the reason you’re in some back-alley squat?” Fenix said and he was playing with fire.
Hella’s mood took a very sharp turn now, her rage a palpable thing that had Kin restless and his wolf pacing and snapping his fangs.
The incubus needed to die.
No one upset Hella like this and lived to tell the tale.
“Change the subject,” she snapped and the tense air filled with the sound of glass clinking. “I am so over him already.”
“If he’s giving you trouble, Hella, you’re welcome to stay with me for a while.”
The incubus was apparently determined to incur Kin’s wrath.
He strained against his bonds now, gripping the chains in his hands and heaving forwards, determined to break them so he could make the male pay for trying to steal his fated female from him.
“Things would have to be dire for me to throw myself into the lion’s den.” She sighed, the soft sound enough to steal Kin’s focus away from the incubus and back to her. “I think I have this under control.”
Her uncertainty was a knife in his gut and he wanted to call out to her and tell her thattheyhad it under control. He would protect her from the nymph. No one would take her from him. He protected what was his, and by the gods, Hella belonged to him.
“You know they’d behave themselves. You know you’re welcome in my house.” Fenix dug his grave a little deeper.