Page 60 of Craved By a Wolf
A fiery birth that had forged him into a strong wolf.
One able to do whatever was necessary for the sake of his pack.
“You need to return to this witch in Geneva and take her to the other one by force.”
Except for that.
Kin grimaced at Gregor’s words, just the thought that he had meant to do that to Hella once making him feel sick to his stomach.
He sensed everyone’s eyes on him again, felt their anticipation and sighed. He couldn’t take Hella to the other witch by force, but he could do something to set his pack’s minds at ease.
He sat up and looked at each of them in turn, pulled down a breath and settled his gaze on Gregor’s.
“I’ll speak with the redhead who cursed me. I’ll make her lift the curse.” He placed his hand on his second in command’s shoulder, gripping it tightly through his thick navy shirt.
Gregor nodded and relaxed, his shoulders sagging beneath Kin’s hand.
The other dozen wolves who watched him followed suit, the tension leaving the air as they went back to the celebration. It was louder than before, far more jovial as Gregor’s little mate, Siobhan, played the fiddle and Ewan and Donald danced with Magda and Shona.
Gregor palmed his shoulder and then stood. Kin looked up at him, catching his wide smile as he looked at his mate and she silently beckoned him with a glance in his direction. He watched the male drifting towards her. There was love in her eyes as she watched his approach, a warmth that grew as the distance between them closed and she smiled coyly at him.
Kin wanted that kind of love.
And for a moment, he had thought he had found it.
And then he had ruined it.
Gregor glanced back at him, frowned and stilled, and pivoted towards him. Kin frowned right back at him as the blond strode towards him instead of his mate, and tilted his head back when Gregor reached him. He arched an eyebrow when the male gripped his nape.
“It’s no’ my place, but… I know ye be going to see your wee fated one. The redhead won’t give you what you want… so ye be needing the advice my pa gave me. The key to winning a mate.” Gregor brought his head down, moving his mouth close to Kin’s ear, and Kin listened intently because his friend was right. He could petition the redhead until he was blue in the face, but she wouldn’t care. The only one who could help him now was Hella. Gregor palmed his nape and sighed. “When ye see the lass, tell your wolf how much ye need her. Be honest with ye’self, and your wolf will listen… be firm with the unruly bastard… and then stand by her, not on her.”
Kin frowned as Gregor straightened and released him, stared at his back as he crossed the clearing to his mate and swept her into his arms, making her laugh as her bow slid sharply across the strings of her fiddle. Gregor laughed with her, his whole face lighting up, and Kin ached to hold Hella like that, to laugh with her and have her laugh in return, to see her smiling in the way Siobhan was as she gazed up at her mate.
He mulled over Gregor’s advice, a feeling building inside him.
It couldn’t be that simple.
But he had nothing left to lose.
He would try to do as his friend had advised and if his wolf instincts wouldn’t be cowed, he would give Hella space until he had tamed them. He had one last shot at this. He could feel it in his soul. His time was nearly up. Death was coming for him.
He chuckled mirthlessly as he imagined how Hella would react to him showing up on her doorstep.
Death was probably coming for him either way.
But he would sooner die by her hand than by some damned curse.
Either he would be victorious or it would all be over and he would go to the grave in the way he had always expected—as an unmated male.
MacKinnon pushed to his feet.
Prepared for one last fight.
Chapter 19
MacKinnon’s head spun as if he had downed a bottle or two of whisky as he stumbled his way through the streets of the Geneva fae town, drawing gazes again. He paid them no heed, focused instead on remaining on his feet and finding Hella. He had left for the fae town in Fort William as soon as possible, heading to the portal there, but his condition had worsened every second of the journey, so much so that Gregor hadn’t wanted to let him go alone.
Kin had refused his offer to come with him, because he damned well didn’t need an escort. He was fine. He swayed sideways, hit a wall and grazed his cheek as he slid along it, his feet still carrying him forwards. Hewouldbe fine.