Page 76 of Craved By a Wolf
Good gods.
She felt like the prey to his predator as he stared at her, his big body straining with each breath he pulled down, muscles flexing and stretching as he curled and uncurled his hands.
His fingertips were bloodied.
She looked at the destruction he had wrought, at the evidence of his rage, and a knot formed in her stomach. This was her fault. He made mistakes, but so did she. They were as bad as each other. She felt that right down to her soul.
Together with something else.
Maybe fate had made them for each other.
Maybe it was time she stopped fighting her feelings.
And stopped fearing them.
She was strong, powerful, and she could handle this wolf and anything he could throw at her. He wouldn’t decide her fate for her. She would decide his.
She was taking control.
MacKinnon slowly eased to face her, his eyes never leaving her face, cutting an imposing figure as he towered in the middle of the room with the bed at his back. The one piece of furniture he hadn’t turned into firewood, she noted. He stared at her, that possession that lit his eyes thrilling her as much as his howl had, igniting a fire in her veins that only he could sate.
Or maybe she could let him have the reins a little.
Like a treat.
“Kin,” she started.
And didn’t get to finish her apology.
He sprang at her, gathered her into his arms and pinned her to the wall.
And claimed more than her lips with another toe-curling kiss.
Chapter 23
MacKinnon tried to shut out the images in his head as he sat on the end of the bed, fending off sleep. It wasn’t images of his past that tormented him now. It was images of Hella with the incubi. She had been gone hours, and his imagination had been running wild. Were the other three incubi he could sense in a room somewhere below him as handsome as the one called Fenix?
He pushed to his feet, paced to the dressing table, and stared at his reflection. Compared with the incubus, his looks were lacking. Fenix had an elegant bone structure and was classically handsome, possessed the sort of looks many women desired in a male and Hollywood would turn into a star.
MacKinnon, however, was a little too harsh in the brow and jaw, and his nose had a kink in it from a brawl as a pup. Even his eyebrows weren’t as refined as the incubus’s.
Lightning struck, making the lamps flicker again and casting bright light across his face that threw half of it into shadow and made him look like a monster as his eyes glowed gold.
He dreaded to think how handsome the others in the house were. What if they were more handsome than Fenix?
Images popped into his head of Hella in compromising positions with the males, the cries that left her lips as wild and sweet as the sounds she had made when he had been inside her.
He scrubbed a hand down his face and banished them, before his mood took a darker turn and he surrendered to it.
He heaved a long sigh, went to the bed, and sank back onto the end of it.
Being able to hear them talking wasn’t helping his mood. He had tried tuning them out, but had ended up tuning into them instead, curious as to what they were saying to each other. Apparently, the answer to that was things he didn’t want to hear.
The sensible part of him knew she was only teasing because she had that tone to her voice, the one he had heard her use a few times now, occasionally to his delight, but the rest of him grew agitated as he caught her words.
“You’re almost as handsome as Fenix. This would have been a dream come true once if you all weren’t incubi.”
Kin launched to his feet and growled at the wooden floor, rage blasting through his veins to have a red veil descending. His heart thundered as his wolf side snarled and bashed against the cage of his human form, wanting out, and for once he and his instincts were on the same page.