Page 85 of Craved By a Wolf
They had worn each other out, fooling around until dawn, and she had drifted off in his arms again.
She had never experienced such an incredible, blissful night with a man, and she didn’t want to experience anything like it again if Kin wasn’t the one sharing it with her.
Mother earth, she was smitten with him.
More than smitten.
She pushed the bathroom door open and frowned when she saw it was empty. Where was he?
Had he gone down for breakfast?
She found her carpet bag, pulled out a black empire-line dress and fresh underwear. She dressed quickly, shoved her feet back into her boots and hurried to the door, finger-combing her blue hair as she went. She paused and looked back at her bag. Rushed back to it and sifted through the contents, looking for a potion.
When she found the small, violet teardrop-shaped glass vial, she checked the label she always liked to put on the potion to make sure it was the right one.
Drink me.
She intended to do just that, using the spell to transport not just her this time. She wanted to take Kin to the nearby fae town to see if they could find the witch who had cursed him and get her to remove it. Travelling via the potion was faster than taking a taxi.
Hella slipped it into the pocket in her dress and left the room, all but ran downstairs to the dining room. She was sure Kin would be there, filling his stomach and replacing the calories they had burned last night. Maybe she could refuel him in another, more wicked way before they hit the fae town. He did need to keep his strength up after all and she worried the curse was probably already draining him again.
She stopped at the entrance to the dining room and stared at the occupants seated around the table.
Tiny stood and ran a trembling hand over his scruffy sandy hair. “Would you like some breakfast?”
She waved him away. “Have you seen Kin?”
He shook his head.
Deep voices rolled along the corridor behind her and she looked over her shoulder at Mort and Rane.
“Where should we start with the research now Fenix has gone back to stalking his mate?” Mort said and Rane shrugged, rolling his shoulders beneath his black T-shirt. “He’s going to want leads or at least some answers when he gets back.”
“Have you seen Kin?” she said.
Rane muttered, “No.”
Mort glanced at the wall to his left. “Saw the wolf running this morning.”
“Around the grounds?” She supposed she had kept him cooped up most of yesterday.
The blond incubus shook his head, his hazel eyes serious as he pointed to a spot behind her. “Over the mountain.”
Her stomach dropped, an uneasy feeling flowing through her as her heart stung. “He’s gone?”
Mort gave her a disinterested look and pushed past her. “Guess so.”
“And you didn’t think to… I don’t know… maybe wake me up and tell me?” she snapped as she turned to keep her eyes locked on his back, anger spiking her blood to chase out the hurt. Her fingertips tingled as her magic raced to them, clearly feeling she needed protection.
She wasn’t the one who needed protection right now.
“You limp dicked bastard,” she bit out as she glared at Mort, aware he hadn’t told her on purpose, that he had wanted MacKinnon gone for some reason. Because he fancied his chances with her if her wolf was out of the picture? Like hell she would ever stoop to sleeping with Mort. Kin was the only one she wanted. She spat, “Enjoy the next two weeks of not being able to get it up!”
Mort pivoted towards her, his eyes wide as horror flashed across his face. She didn’t hang around to hear his complaints or pointless pleas for her to undo the spell she had cast on him. She raced from the mansion, not even slowing when she reached the gravel that covered the driveway, her eyes fixed on the mountains that surrounded the grey granite house.
She knew where Kin was going.
He wasn’t going home.