Page 95 of Craved By a Wolf
“Mercy?” She scoffed. “You don’t know the meaning of the word. You’re going to wed me without my permission. Where’s the mercy in that?”
His slow smile chilled her blood and her instincts screamed that he was up to something, that she was playing a dangerous game by denying him what he wanted.
“I was not asking you to beg for mercy for yourself. Your fate is sealed.” He took another step towards her, the action stealing her breath as she looked up at him, into eyes that were glacial now. “I speak of the wolf.”
“MacKinnon?” she breathed, a chill sweeping down her arms and spine. “You know about him?”
“The male seeks to take what is mine and must be dealt with—”
“What is with ego-tripping men thinking they own me all the time?” She shot to her feet, cutting him off as anger blasted through her, obliterating the momentary spike in her fear.
Ethyrian continued without missing a beat. “And you get to decide his fate. If you do not beg for mercy, my guards will capture and kill him. If you do, the borders of my realm will be closed to the wolf and he will live.”
The cold look in his eyes told her that he was serious.
What choice did she have? As angry as she was about what Kin had done to her, as hurt as she was, she couldn’t let him die.
Because she still loved him.
Hella swallowed her pride and dropped to her knees, hesitated for only a heartbeat before she crawled to Ethyrian as he wanted and sat back on her heels by his boots. She gazed up at him, hating herself and hating him too, and hating Kin a little for making her love him enough that she would do anything for him.
Even this.
“Mercy, Ethyrian. I… I beg of you, my king. Grant mercy to the wolf.” Her hope bled from her as his eyes darkened, his face twisting in harsh lines as if he hated each word that left her lips a little more than the last.
Because they revealed she cared about MacKinnon.
Ethyrian leaned over and caught her chin between his fingers and thumb.
His mouth covered hers and she somehow managed not to squirm as he kissed her, sealing her fate.
His blue eyes were hooded, shining with a hunger that repulsed her as he released her and straightened. He clapped his hands and several females rushed into the room, coming to flank her. Hella wasn’t surprised to find them dressed in gold bikini tops and bottoms, with a sheer turquoise sarong around their waists. How long would it be before she got her own matching outfit?
“Prepare my bride,” he said with a glance at one of the scantily clad women, and then lowered his eyes to lock with hers again as he smiled—one of victory. “I will consummate this marriage before the sun rises on a new day.”
Two of the females pulled her onto her feet.
She turned with them, her mood growing darker by the second, one thought spinning around it.
A new plan.
Ethyrian would be dead before dawn.
Chapter 28
MacKinnon slipped through the trees that bordered the pale stone wall, wary of the shadows but willing to use them to cover his approach. He froze against the thick trunk of one as he sensed guards approaching, pressed his back to it and listened. Like the other dozen or so guards he had passed, these ones didn’t utter a word.
Beyond the wall however, the castle was abuzz.
Something was happening.
He looked to his right, towards a road he had followed to the castle walls, and spied another opulent white carriage approaching, drawn by four horses.
That was the twelfth one to arrive.
Was a celebration taking place tonight?
Kin had to bite back a howl of rage and barely stopped himself from bursting from the bushes to butcher everyone as he realised what was happening.