Page 47 of The Cowboy's Unshakeable Love
He swallowed. “It is, but if it’s any consolation, even without your cast, I wouldn’t be making a move on you tonight, darlin’.”
He had to laugh at her crestfallen expression. “Because I won’t take advantage of you when you’ve had one too many.”
She gave him a guilty little smile. “I believe I may have had afewtoo many.”
“I believe you may be right. Let’s get you home.”
Once they were out on the highway, he glanced over at her. She was resting her elbows on the console as she stared at him.
“What?” he asked with a smile.
“Just thinking.”
“Thinking what?”
“That when I get this cast off, I’m going to be much more sensible about how much I drink.”
He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Any idea how long it’ll be?”
She giggled. “Not soon enough. I have an appointment with Trip next week, so I guess we’ll see.”
Chapter Ten
When Retta opened her eyes the next morning, it took her a moment to figure out where she was and why she felt so groggy.
She moaned and brought her hand up to cover her face. She’d had a great time with the girls last night, but she’d definitely had more wine than she needed. Travis had been a sweetheart, coming to pick her up – it was a long way to that restaurant from here. And he’d let her chatter away to him for the whole ride home.
When they’d arrived back at the house, he’d carried her inside and brought her straight to bed. He hadn’t bothered with the chair. He fetched the crutches and then hovered in the doorway, wanting to know that she was all right while she visited the bathroom and got undressed.
She’d been tempted to tell him that she couldn’t manage to get undressed by herself, but she hadn’t hadthatmuch wine. Instead, she’d called to him once she was under the covers, and he’d come and sat on the edge of the bed. He’d held her hand while she chattered some more about how much she liked Libby, and Ari, and Candy.
She blew out a sigh. He’d been great about it all last night, but she wouldn’t be surprised if he was now wondering what he’d gotten himself into. From what he’d seen of her until now, her behavior last night was totally out of character. She struggled to sit up. She wanted to say that it was out of character for her, but she had a feeling that if her life had been different, she would have been the kind of woman who went out with her friends, got giggly, and talked too much.
She held her breath when he tapped on the door and asked in a low voice, “You awake, darlin’?”
“I …” She cleared her throat, but her voice still sounded croaky when she tried again. “I am.” She just hoped that he wouldn’t open the door. She never looked great first thing in the morning – who did? – and after all that wine last night, she was probably a mess.
“I brought you a fancy-ass coffee. Is it okay if I come in?”
A rush of warmth filled her chest. She might not want him to see her in her current state, but she wanted coffee. More than that, she wanted to see him.
“Please,” she croaked.
The door opened slowly, and all her breath caught in her chest at the sight of him. He was wearing gray sweatpants – and nothing else! She finally got her first look at the broad, muscular chest that felt so good whenever he held her against it. His tattoos didn’t just cover his arms – they covered his chest, and stomach, and back, too. And as much as it surprised her, they added to his appeal.
He came in slowly, carrying a tray that held two cups of coffee, a glass of water and a plate full of pastries. Instead of coming to her, he went to the other side of the bed and set the tray on the nightstand.
“Are you comfortable sitting there?” he asked. “Do you need more pillows or anything?”
“I’m good.”
He winked. “Mind if I join you?”
She swallowed as she let her gaze travel over him. What woman in her right mind would tell him that no, she didn’t want him in bed with her?
When she finally looked back up at him, his eyes twinkled as he smiled. “I’m only offering coffee and a cuddle – for now.”