Page 73 of The Cowboy's Unshakeable Love
She shrugged happily. “You can have one if you want one. What would you like me to call you?”
“I think I like Trav best.”
“I do, too.”
He straightened up. “You ready to go in there?”
“I am. Let’s get it over with and go back to the house and finish packing up my things. I feel as though I don’t belong here anymore. I’m looking forward to going home.”
He ran his hand over her hair. “Me too, darlin’.” What he was looking forward to the most was the two of them making his place their home.
~ ~ ~
On Sunday morning, Retta sat in the living room, looking at the small pile of things that she wanted to take back with her. It was small enough that it made her wonder about the life she’dlived here. She hadn’t accumulated much that she cared about – in terms of things or relationships.
“Penny for them?” Travis asked when he came in from the kitchen.
She shook her head sadly. “Just thinking that I don’t have much to show for myself. I didn’t have much of a life here.”
He squatted down in front of her, but she put a finger to his lips.
“It’s true. I might be feeling a little sorry for myself, but you don’t need to say anything to try to make me feel better.”
He took her hand and kissed her finger before he moved it away from his lips.
“I wasn’t going to. I was just going to say that I’m glad you’re not upset about leaving here. I’d feel bad if you did, but it wouldn’t stop me from wanting to take you back with me. You’ve already made a life for yourself in Montana, and you’ve made my life better by being in it.”
“Aww, you really are the sweetest thing.”
He chuckled. “You’re not saying that likebless your heart, are you?”
“I’m not. I mean it.”
“Good. I can’t wait to get you home.”
She looked around again. “I don’t think there’s anything left to do. The realtor has a key. The moving company’s just waiting for me to give them a call.”
She’d been busy on the phone yesterday afternoon when they got back from school. She’d spoken to a realtor she’d known for years – since her daughter was on the cheer team – and she’d said that the house would show better if they left it as it was.The moving company had said that they could do a full-service pack and store or pack and move whenever she knew what she wanted. Mrs. Simmons, her neighbor, had a key and she was happy to keep an eye on the place. And that was everything – it turned out to be that easy to just walk out of her life.
She looked around again. “Would you mind if we stop to say goodbye to Mrs. Simmons before we leave?”
Travis grinned. “Sure.”
She laughed. “She took a shine to you.”
“I noticed!”
“She’s a sweetheart. I can wheel myself over there if you don’t …”
“No need, darlin’. I can handle it. I’ll be my charming self, and just hope she doesn’t maul me while you’re not looking.”
“She’d never!”
Travis laughed. “She slapped my ass as we were leaving yesterday.”
Retta had to laugh with him. “Well, damn! And I thought she was so straitlaced.”
As soon as Travis opened the front gate and wheeled Retta through it, Mrs. Simmons opened her front door and greeted them with a smile.