Page 44 of After the Fall
“It’s not going to be easy to get an invite to this gala,” I lied. I could probably get anyone on the guest list with one phone call, but I didn’t want or need Valentina stirring up trouble. Subtlety was a word that the woman hadn’t learned.
“Oh, Wyatt.” She reached out to hold my chin. “I’ll be your date. It will be just like old times.” She said it a little louder than necessary and I hoped that Harper had long retreated to our wing.
“Actually, I’m taking Harper. It will be more believable if I bring the woman that I’m actually dating.”
“From what I’ve heard, you’ve been keeping your little pet locked up here. Don’t you think it would be better to show up to the event with someone a little more… suitable? After all, we all know this little relationship isn’t going anywhere. Especially since she will never be able to give you a child.”
“Enough,” Atticus shouted. “We’re going to have to learn to work together if we want to stop the Carders. If you two can’t put aside your egos, I’m calling the wolves here today.”
“The wolves?” Valentina raised her eyebrows. “Meu deus. Now I know you’ve lost it.”
Tank, who rarely said anything, spoke up. “Bannon helped us before. If we need them, they’ll be here.”
Valentina finished her coffee and stood, her eyes directly meeting mine. “Well then, let’s take care of this little problem. You know that it makes more sense to bring me to the gala.”
I hated to admit it, but she was right. Thankfully, I didn’t have to be the one to say it. Atticus did.
“Harper will be safer here, Wyatt. Valentina can handle herself in this kind of setting. We don’t know if Harper is up for a job like this. Yet,” he added.
“Fine,” I grumbled. Harper wasn’t going to be happy, but she’d have to understand. I wasn’t attending the gala for fun, it was strategic. And in the name of strategy, it made more sense to walk into the event with Valentina on my arm.
At least I hoped that she’d understand.
The days leadingup to the gala passed in a haze as I did my best to keep out of everyone’s way. The mansion felt cramped, filled with extra bodies. A weird tension had taken over, as plans were drawn, discarded, and then redrawn. Everyone, including Wyatt, seemed to be on the edge and it was enough to make anyone go insane.
At night, the mansion thumped with the rich sounds of samba, continuing until the early hours of morning. If it wasn’t for the mattress sinking from his weight, I wouldn’t know what time Wyatt crawled into bed in each night, or morning.
I’d tossed and turned all night long. The neon red digits of the alarm clock flashed back at me. Accepting that I wouldn’t fall back asleep, I rolled over. Wyatt’s large hand reached out to stop me. “Stay,” he murmured, half asleep.
“It’s six a.m.,” I whispered. “I told Tim I’d start early.”
His heavy sigh seemed filled with all the unspoken things between us. Lately, it felt like we were two strangers sleeping under the same roof. I knew that Wyatt was under a lot of stress, and I was trying my best to be understanding. We just needed tomake it to the gala, and then everything could go back to normal – whatever normal even was.
Wyatt’s eyes stayed shut. “I’m glad you’re keeping busy. Are you going to try to see your Mom later? Fiona can take you.”
I shook my head, then remembered he couldn’t see me. “No. They extended the quarantine for another week.”
His eyes shot open. “I’m so sorry, Harper. For everything. I—”
“Shh,” I whispered, putting my finger to his lip. “It’s not your fault. It’s the Carders’. And I appreciate everything you’re doing right now to try and end this nightmare.”
His eyes flashed guiltily. “I won’t stop trying. Even if those damn South Americans party way too hard,” he groaned. He paused, longer than necessary, and the silence made the gnawing in my belly grow. “You know you’re welcome to join us in the evenings if you want?”
“And what? Clink wineglasses with the woman who poisoned me? I’ll pass.” I kissed him gently on the cheek to show that I didn’t hold it against him. “Get some sleep, Mister. You need it.” His eyes were closed before I could finish my sentence.
I silently crawled from the bed, not wanting to wake him, and tiptoed to the walk-in closet. My gaze rested on the hanging garment bag, and I reached in to touch the delicate fabric that I would get to wear soon at the gala, with my handsome boyfriend at my side. It was a little glimmer of something good – a happy thought I could hold onto, amidst all the shit.
I threw on a T-shirt and pulled on a pair of leggings. The mansion’s heating system had been cranked up for the South Americans, and when I wasn’t hiding in my library, I hung out in the greenhouse with Tim, where it felt like the tropics. It was like being in perpetual summer.
Wyatt’s light snoring followed me from the bedroom and into the hallway. I tiptoed downstairs, though I knew it didn’t matter.The South Americans would be passed out in the carriage house until late afternoon. Gloria had to keep a batch of red tea on standby for their insatiable appetites. And hangovers.
The only other people up this early were Gloria and whatever security guard was posted at the door. That morning it was Denny, and he gave a courteous nod as I passed.
In the kitchen, a warm cup of coffee was waiting for me. But instead of Gloria’s smiling face, it was Fiona that greeted me. I eyed the mug suspiciously.