Page 47 of After the Fall
“What did I say about knocking,” Wyatt growled. His eyes softened as they connected with mine. “Sorry Harper, I wasn’t expecting you. Is everything okay?” His voice was gentle, yet hesitant.
I crossed my arms. “No, it’s not.”
Atticus and Tank moved faster than a bolt of lightning, brushing past me to disappear into the hall.
Confusion clouded Wyatt’s features. He slowly rose from his chair, coming to stand in front of me. His palms grazed my shoulders. “Tell me what’s wrong so I can make it better.”
I shook my head and turned to the side, not willing to meet his piercing gaze. “How could you agree to go to the gala with that… that vile woman,” I spit.
Wyatt’s shoulders dropped, betraying his guilt. “How did you…”
“Valentina dropped that bombshell on me when I was with Tim.”
“That bitch.” His eyes narrowed.
Deep down, I’d hoped it was all a big misunderstanding, that Valentina had just been trying to rile me up. But Wyatt’s words had confirmed the unthinkable. “So it’s true?”
He brushed his hand through his hair and sighed. “I tried to push it. I really did, Harper. But everyone, including Atticus and Tank, agreed it would be safer if you stayed behind. And I agree. Valley Girl is used to these things. She can handle herself.”
My eyes narrowed at hearing Wyatt’s nickname for Valentina. “And I can’t handle myself?”
I held up my palm, cutting him off. “It’s bad enough that I’ve been trapped in this house while my dad is out there, alone and in danger. In a house that I have to share with the woman who fucking poisoned me, in case you all forgot.” Wyatt cringed, his large torso contracting. “But on top of that, you’re expecting me to just stay home alone on Halloween, while you take another woman on a date. A woman who happens to look like a supermodel, might I add.” I shook my head. “This whole situation is… fucked.”
A small laugh escaped from under his breath.
“What now?” I yelled, exasperated.
“It’s just… I’ve never heard you swear so much.” He grinned sheepishly, but the smile quickly faded as his expression turned serious.
A haunted look filled his eyes. It was as if guilt was shadowing his every decision, his every thought. “I’m sorry, Harper. I fucked up.”
“Yes, you did. You should have told me, Wyatt. I shouldn’t have had to hear it from Valentina.” I sighed heavily. “Is there anything else you’re not telling me? Anything I should know?”
He shifted on his feet. It felt like the chasm between us was growing with each breath, and I worried we would never get back to ‘us’.
“No.” He shook his head adamantly, and my shoulders sagged with relief. “I promise. Is there anything you’re keeping from me?”
Now was my chance to tell Wyatt about my dad’s secret message. I opened my mouth to speak, but the words didn’t come out. After I had just chastised Wyatt for keeping secrets, I couldn’t exactly admit to my own. “No,” I said quickly. Too quickly. “You need to stop keeping secrets and excluding me. It ends now, Wyatt. I want to be a part of whatever you’re planning.”
“Of course.” He rubbed my arms in a gentle, soothing motion. “I’m so sorry, Harper,” he said, bowing his head. “You deserve better. I promise I’ll make it up to you for the gala. Somehow.”
I nodded. “You can make it up to me after we take down the Carders.”
“After we take down the Carders,” he repeated. He crooked his elbow, his eyes shimmering in their vulnerability. “We still have a few hours before the meeting. Let’s get out of the house and go do something, just the two of us.”
Nodding, I tried to push away all thoughts of Valentina as I intertwined my arm through his.
Now, more than ever, Wyatt and I needed to present a united front, even if the first seedlings of doubt had been planted in mymind. Everything we’d been through the last few months had made us stronger, like my parents’ relationship. They’d fought too, over things Dad had kept from Mom. Yet they’d found ways to work through it, and it had only strengthened their relationship, solidifying their love for one another.
Surely Wyatt and I could do the same. I loved him, after all.
It would take more than Valentina’s icy grip to come between us.
Hope fingered the small card,squinting her eyes at the fine block letters. She hoped she was wrong, that it was just a mistake; that she needed glasses. But sure enough, the words were the same as what she’d read earlier that morning, when the card had tumbled to the floor during laundry:Joe Davis, Genocorp.