Page 56 of After the Fall
I groaned. “I can’t believe the balls of that man. Even broken up, he still finds ways to annoy me.”
“He’s just trying to keep you safe,” she said as we pulled apart. “And until we figure out this thing with your dad and the Carders, I agree with Wyatt. Even if I don’t like that he hurt you.” She bit her lip, and squirmed in her seat.
My eyes narrowed. “What?”
“Well… I’m just trying to figure out what he did for you to finally walk away.”
I sighed. “It’s more like what he didn’t do. The man isn’t capable of being honest. I can’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth. I just don’t know what to believe anymore.” I stared down at my knees. “You know, it was bad enough having to sleep under the same roof as the woman who poisoned me and took away every happy memory I had of Wyatt from before. But to know that Wyatt slept with that vile creature…”
“Wyatt slept with Valentina?” This time, it was Savannah who spit out her wine, and she dabbed her lips with the side of her hand. “Whoops.”
“A long time ago,” I explained. “He said it didn’t mean anything. That it was just sex.”
“And?” Her brow raised. “Harper, you knew a man as good-looking as Wyatt wasn’t going to be the Virgin Mary.”
“I know. But… he lied to me. Twice. If he’d just come clean from the get-go, I wouldn’t be so upset about the whole,” I brushed my hand again, “Valentina thing. But…” my voice lowered to a whisper, “it’s not just that. It’s the life I’d have if I stayed with Wyatt. Or… wouldn’t have.”
Her eyes softened and moved to my stomach, which I was instinctively caressing. “Oh,” she whispered.
I nodded. “I want to have a baby. Not now,” I quickly added. “But I want to be with someone who I know I have a future with. Someone who can one day give me the family I’ve always wanted. And,” I smiled sadly, “that’s not Wyatt.”
“I understand,” she frowned. “And I’m sorry. That really sucks.”
“How is he?” I searched her eyes for any clues, but her expression didn’t give much away.
“That man is so hard to read,” she said, shaking her head. “I could tell he was trying hard to keep it together at the meeting, but I know when someone is heartbroken. And you both fit that bill.” Her eyes brightened, the sparkle returning. It was a look I knew well. “I have a great idea.” She ignored my groan. “Go put on your jammies, and we’ll have a breakup movie marathon:Under the Tuscan Sun. Eat, Pray Love.Bridget Jones’s Diary. We’ll work our way through the classics.”
“But Halloween is tomorrow. The gala.”
“You know me. Everything is all ready to go, both for work and for… infiltration.” She beamed. “I love that word. It makes me feel so bad ass.”
“If you’re sure. But can I borrow some jammies?” I smiled sheepishly. “And maybe a change of clothes for tomorrow since I stained these ones?”
Her brows knit together in confusion. “What did you pack in that giant suitcase of yours?”
My cheeks flushed as I turned my gaze to the hallway. I mumbled under my breath, knowing she couldn’t hear me.
“What was that?” she asked.
“My gala dress,” I mumbled, louder this time. “Though I guess it’s just a dress now, one I’ll probably never have a chance to wear.”
“Oh my god. I’m glad I wasn’t holding my wine,” she laughed, clutching her belly. “Are you actually telling me that my best friend – a woman whohatesgetting dressed up and going to events – packed a ball gown during her breakup, and nothing else?”
“No,” I replied with a straight face.
“Phew. I was actually worried for a minute.”
“I also packed the matching shoes.”
Twenty minutes later, with our high-heel clad feet resting on the coffee table, and two big bowls of popcorn perched on giant laps of taffeta, we screamed at Julia Roberts on screen inEat, Pray, Love.
“You should go eat your way through Italy,” Savannah said, dreamily.
“I think I should probably figure out my living situation first.”
She shook her head. “You know you already have a place to stay, you silly goose.”
A flood of gratitude washed over me. “Savannah. I can’t—”