Page 7 of Bonbon
Considerate too. He’s considerate of others and why does that do it for me so bad? I give him a smile and notice he’s still holding my hand as we walk. I may have underestimated the strength of my crush on this man. Candy might be right, this lunch thing might not be such a good idea after all.
Chapter Six
As soon as we walk in a hush falls over the diner as everyone stops what they are doing to turn and look at the two of us. Then they begin talking in quick, hushed voices as they keep their eyes trained on the two of us. The corners of my mouth tilt up.
I didn’t really think this was going to cause so much of a stir or that every fucking body would be in the diner for lunch, but it works out well for me. The more people I can make aware of the fact the quiet, sweet, little redhead by my side belongs to me, the better. I would take out a billboard were I not absolutely certain it would mortify Bonny.
I lead her over to a booth in the back and once she’s slid in, I slip in beside her. She wasn’t expecting me to sit so close I can tell. Bonny doesn’t really hide the things she’s feeling or thinking. It’s one of the things I love about her.
“This okay?”
She looks at me and opens her mouth to say something before giving me just a nod.
“Sometimes it gets loud in here and I wanted us to be able to hear each other.”
“Oh, okay.” She smiles like that makes perfect sense for the reason I am crowding her into a back booth in a semi-full diner.
The waitress comes over and gives us an interesting look. “You want your usuals?”
I come here for most of my lunches and apparently so does Bonny. I give her a nod and wait for Bonny to nod too. Pink flushes across her cheeks before she does. “I eat here a lot.”
“Me too.” Nothing to be embarrassed about, but I like the sight of her all flushed more than I can say.
For the next thirty minutes I ask her questions about herself, her job, her sister, and her likes and dislikes. Over that time, she relaxes around me enough for me to offer her a bite of my dessert. And I had to fight back the groan that wanted to come out when she wrapped those plump lips around my fork and moaned around the mouth full of chocolate cake.
I resist the first time she does it, but when she does it again and closes her eyes like she might be in ecstasy I can’t help myself. I lean forward and bring my mouth to hers and take a taste, licking my tongue across her lips and gently suck on the plump bottom one before I give her room.
Her eyes fly open, and she gasps a little as she stares at me open-mouthed. I know my eyes must be conveying how hot and hungry I am because of the way hers widen and the green turns darker. I lean back in, and this time take her surprise as an advantage. My tongue sweeps into the honeyed chamber of her mouth and I take my time exploring. Eventually, I pull back and look down at Bonny’s closed eyes and flushed cheeks. When she opens her eyes, I see the stunned surprise in her eyes.
“You had some cream on your lips.” I only say it so I can run my thumb over the swell of her bottom lip.
“Oh. Um, thank you.”
She gives me a small, nervous laugh but her eyes remain uncertain. I make sure to talk about something concerning the town to take her mind off thinking about why I would kiss her as a way to clean her mouth when napkins are pretty much everywhere.
“So, what do people do around here for fun? I heard something about a fair coming soon. Is that any good?”
We talk for a few more minutes as we are finishing up our dessert and then I walk her back to the shop.
“Um, thank you for lunch.”
“Thank you. Maybe we could do it again sometime soon.”
Before she can give me a yes or a no, her friend comes out of the back looking flustered and upset.
“Candy, are you alright?”
I let myself out so the two women could talk. It doesn’t matter if I don’t get an answer, I’m not giving up on a second date. Especially after I’ve had a taste of her.
I wait until she closes up and come up behind her. “Bonny.”
She jumps when I say her name and drops the keys. I bend over to pick them up for her, but the position places me right in front of her sweet pussy. I drag in a deep breath and nearly cum in my pants.
“Fuck, you smell good!”
Chapter Seven