Page 17 of Byte
Once we were back at Gabby’s house, she changed clothes before we sat down to eat. I noticed she always changed as soon as she got home and never walked through the house with her work shoes on.
“I have to ask. Is that something they taught you in school or something you do on your own?”
“Um, I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” she said in confusion.
“Changing clothes as soon as you get home,” I clarified.
“It’s something I do, but they probably should teach it in school.”
“Sounds like there’s a story behind your reasoning.”
She nodded and swallowed the food in her mouth. “One day, I came home from work, had dinner, and watched a few shows before heading to the shower. When I walked into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and noticed something on my upper arm. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a big wad of sputum. I’ve changed immediately ever since.”
“A wad of what?”
“Sputum. Phlegm. Lung butter. Throat snot,” she explained.
I scrunched my face in disgust. “Gross.”
“I’m sorry,” she said and covered her mouth. “I should’ve waited until we weren’t eating to tell you that story. I live and breathe nursing. It’s easy to forget that not everyone wants to hear about medical stuff over dinner.”
I waved my hand dismissively. “It doesn’t bother me. I was just agreeing with you.”
“Oh, good. Because it’s more than likely going to happen again.”
I laughed. “I enjoy hearing your stories. They’re quite?—”
I was interrupted by someone knocking on her front door. “Are you expecting company?”
Gabby vigorously shook her head. “No.”
“Stay here. I’ll go see who it is,” I said and got to my feet.
I peeked through the window at the top of the front door to see a girl around Gabby’s age standing on the front porch with a book bag on her back and a basket of muffins in her hand. I quickly dismissed her as a threat and opened the door. “Can I help you?”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Um, is Gabby home?”
“Who wants to know?”
“L-Lauren,” she stammered.
“Just a moment,” I said and closed the door.
“Who was it?” Gabby asked as soon as I returned to the kitchen.
“She said her name is Lauren. Do you know her?”
Gabby jumped to her feet. “Shit! I completely forgot we had plans to study tonight.”
I followed Gabby through the house as she hurried to the front door. “Hey, Lauren. Come on in.”
“I brought muffins,” Lauren said and leaned around Gabby to look at me. “Is this a bad time?”
“No, not at all,” Gabby said and ushered Lauren into the living room. “This is Byte. He’s a family friend and is staying with me this week while he’s in town for work. Byte, this is my friend from school, Lauren.”
“Byte?” Lauren asked.
“Nickname,” Gabby explained. “He works with computers.”