Page 14 of Edge
“Like a new identity?”
“Yep,” she confirmed. “I don’t know how he does it, but he’s pulled it off many times. I mean, he’s not going to help a cold-blooded killer get away with murder, but he’d help an innocent woman running from an abusive husband or boyfriend.”
“You’re serious?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah. They don’t put up with that kind of crap around here. These fellas cherish their women and children, and they’ll rain hell on anyone who tries to hurt them. Like that girl that was stalking Gabby. Well, Gabby actually handled her. But the guy that was in on it. He went after the president’s son and got himself killed in the process.”
She nodded to an older man across the room. “That’s Gabby’s grandfather. Technically, he’s her great-grandfather, but that’s not the point. Anyway, the crazy guy was holding the president’s kid at gunpoint. Ranger shot and killed him. He may be the oldest one here, but he’s a crack shot with a rifle.”
Ranger’s head turned, and he noticed us looking at him. Smiling broadly, he sauntered over. “Irene,” he chuckled. “Were you telling stories about me?”
She laughed. “Of course I was. You have the best stories to tell.”
He pulled her in for a hug. “It’s good to see you. I don’t suppose you brought any burgers with you?”
“I would have, but no one asked me to cater this shindig.”
“I’ll have to file a complaint with the management,” he said, though I could tell he was joking.
He turned his attention to me. “Forgive my manners,” he said and extended his hand. “I’m Ranger.”
“I’m Evie,” I said and shook his hand. “I work with Irene.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. We’ve got a number of single fellas around here, and you’re a pretty girl. If you get tired of them peacocking for you, come find me.”
I couldn’t help but smile. Something about Ranger put me at ease. “I will. Thank you.”
“I told you. Big teddy bears,” Irene said after Ranger excused himself.
As the evening progressed, I was introduced to countless people, including the guest of honor, Gabby. She was kind and friendly, much like the other women I’d met. It seemed like maybe Irene was right about the bikers after all. The entire place had a warm family vibe.
Irene and I were sitting at a table near the back of the room when Edge approached with two slices of cake. “I thought I’d take the opportunity to serve you for a change,” he said and placed a slice of cake on the table for each of us.
“Where’s yours?” Irene asked.
He grinned. “Are you asking me to join you for dessert?”
“Of course I am. And for the record, you’re supposed to flirt with her, not me.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said and left to get another piece of cake.
I nudged Irene with my elbow. “What are you doing?” I whisper-hissed.
“Helping,” she said and shoved a bite of cake into her mouth.
“That is not helping.”
“Honey, that boy hasn’t taken his eyes off you since we arrived. And you turn into a jumping bean every time he’s around. Y’all might not see it, but I do.”
She couldn’t be serious. Yes, Edge made me nervous, but not for the reason she thought. Hell, every biker in the room made me nervous. That didn’t mean I had chemistry with all of them. As for Edge staring at me, well, I didn’t have an explanation for that.
Edge returned to the table and sat in the chair directly across from me. He glanced at Irene’s plate. “You started without me.”
“You took too long,” she returned.
He laughed. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How have things been?”