Page 6 of Edge
“It’s not as hard as it looks. These old farts are in here at least four days a week. It doesn’t take long to have it memorized,” she told me. “It helps if you come up with a system. Like that table over there. I call them the four farts. Then I pair their order with a prominent feature. Bald eggs, hairy pancakes, ear gravy and biscuits, and bearded breakfast burrito.”
With a scrunched nose, I burst into laughter. “I may never eat breakfast foods again.”
“I know, right? It’s a win-win strategy. I remember their orders without eating myself out of house and home. I mean, my food is delicious, if I do say so myself.”
After the crowd died down, Irene sent me off to take care of a few tables on my own. To say I was nervous was an understatement, but I was determined to do a good job. I had to. My survival depended on it.
I’d barely had a chance to breathe when the diner started filling up again.
“Time for the lunch crowd,” Irene announced. “It’s the same routine as the morning, except with burgers instead of biscuits. We’ll tackle the major rush together and split up like we did earlier when it settles down.”
We stayed busy taking orders, filling drinks, and serving food. Table after table. Irene definitely wasn’t hurting for business.
When she gave me my own tables to wait on, I felt more comfortable than I did at breakfast. The customers were easy-going and pleasant, and that helped put me at ease.
I was behind the counter putting in an order when I heard Irene hang up the phone and curse.
“Is something wrong?” I asked.
“Marcy’s supposed to work the evening shift, and she just called in sick,” she grumbled. “I know she’s not sick. I swear, as soon as I get another server in here, I’m canning her ass.”
“I can stay and work,” I offered.
“I don’t want to wear you out on your first day.”
“Please. I’m happy to help,” I said sincerely. She’d gone out of her way to help me mere minutes after meeting me. It was the least I could do. Plus, it was an opportunity to earn more money.
“If you’re sure,” she said reluctantly.
“I am,” I promised.
“Well, at least take a break while you have a chance and get yourself something to eat. Order whatever you want on the house,” she said. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. She counted it out and handed a stack to me. “Here’s your half of the morning and lunch tips.”
“Thank you,” I said and tried to keep my eyes from bulging out of my head. I didn’t know how much it was, but I knew it was much more than I’d expected to make. I clutched it in my hand and stared at it for a few long seconds before I shoved it in my pocket and took my first break of the day.
“You did great today,” Irene said as she locked the front door and turned off the open sign. “I hope you’re still going to come back tomorrow.”
With my hand in my pocket, I ran my fingers over the wad of money. “I’m definitely coming back.”
“Good,” she smiled. “It doesn’t take long to close. We’ll be out of here in no time.”
After we finished, she handed me my cut of the evening tips and two more T-shirts. “I don’t have any more in your size. I’ll have to order some. If you don’t have a clean one, just wear a plain T-shirt that day.”
“Is there a laundromat nearby?” I asked. I’d only been in town for a few days and didn’t know where anything was.
“My washer and dryer are on the back porch. It’s closed in, so I’ll need to give you a key. You can come up to the house and wash your clothes whenever you need to.”
“Thank you,” I told her, for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
“Happy to help,” she said. “You ready to go?”
“I’m ready if you are.”
“Let me check on the guys in the kitchen first,” she said and disappeared through the swinging door. She returned moments later. “They’re good. Let’s roll.”
I followed her back to her house and waved as I continued down the driveway to my new home. Once inside, I went straight to the bathroom to soak my feet in the small bathtub while I counted my tips.
When I climbed into bed, I was exhausted and thought I’d fall asleep quickly, but I didn’t. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Randall’s dead body. When I finally did fall asleep, my dreams were filled with Muzzle and Snarl promising to find me and do horrible things to me before they killed me.