Page 4 of The Eternal Equinox
"I couldn't risk you leaving, Shadowweaver. You're too important to me, and I need you here, where you belong, by my side." He sits down onthe dirty ground and rests his elbows on his knees. He's wearing a pair of billowy black trousers and is shirtless, his chest a map of scarred runes. He's beautiful in the way that storms are. It's clear he is capable of mass destruction, full of devastating consequences, but it's hard to look away because of the sheer awe that he inspires.
I so wish it wasn't this way. I wish he had come back and told me the story from the moment he raised himself from my blood, told me his truth, and we could've worked together.
"You didn't believe in me," I say simply, crossing my legs and looking at the floor. "You didn't believe that I would make the right choice."
"On the contrary," he says, shaking his head. His white hair, twin to my own, falls in his face. "I believed you would make the choice you thought was right. I just wasn't sure if it would be the choice I needed you to make."
"You can't do this, Himureal," I say, but my voice has no bite. Purposefully. I want him to think he's wearing me down already.
"Do you ever get tired of it, Viola?" His voice is low and somber, and he doesn't make eye contact with me. "All the fighting?"
"Of course I do," I answer honestly. "I didn't want to be this. I just wanted to win the Race and then live a quiet life."
"I need the magic you can provide, Viola, but I do not need you to be a God for these people."
I sit up straighter. "What do you mean?"
"You lend your magic,your people's devotion, to me when I need it. And in exchange, you get to live that quiet life. You only need to come out every few weeks just to show people you're still around." He crawls across the space towards me and kneels before me, long, pale fingers wrapped around the bars of my cell. I can't seem to take my eyes off the blue of his nail beds. "You could be happy, happy, Viola. Quiet, living on your own or with Mace, Zeph, or whoever you want to be with. I would never ask anything more of you."
It's what I've always wanted.
He's offering me the one thing I always worked towards, and all I have to do is stop.
Stop searching.
Stop fighting.
Stop worrying about others.
"I don't expect you to make the decision right now, Shadowweaver," he says, staring deep into my eyes. "A lot has changed and transpired. You are here. You are here. And I have waited for you for centuries. I can wait a little longer." He rises to his full height, dusting off his pants. "Take the night, Shadowweaver. I'll send my high priest down in the morning to talk through this with you."
He spins on his heel and walks away.
"He's not your high priest," I murmur towards his retreating back. I don't really want him to hear me. Something tells me that needs to be a secret for now.
Himureal's offer swirls in my head. Could Ido it? Give up the battle to bring back the Gods, support Himureal as he needs with my magic, and live a quiet life? If we find Spring's seed, then all the magic would be available. It's not as if Winter is the only choice for our people anymore.
Could that work?
Could I really be done with all of this?
Chapter 2
When I wake, the sun is higher than I thought it'd be. I blink furiously at the brightness that smacks me across the face. What time could it possibly be? I was sure Viola would wake me at some point during the evening to discuss strategy, switch watches, or maybe just sneak in some alone time with me.
I was really hoping for the latter.
It's hard to get time to ourselves when traveling with a group of five. Sure, we have slipped away a few times, but it all feels clandestine and overthought. It would be nice to just exist together under the stars while the others slept.
Instead of waking any of us, Viola selflessly let me and the others sleep, and truthfully, I am grateful for it. I really do love that woman. All of our bodies are weary, and a bit of extra rest is not a bad thing, so knowing that she sacrificed her sleep so we could feel refreshed today just cements how much she's changed. I need to make sure I return the favor tonight so she can benefit from this divine boost of energy. We are working against a clock, but it's not so dire that we shouldn't be allowed moments of rest.
I stretch,shaking out the tension from another night spent on the ground. Despite what Tulip has said, I have not gotten used to it, and I am not sure I ever will. But it has gotten to the point where it is no longer disrupting my sleep. Tulip stirs next to me and yawns, the exaggerated motion giving me a glimpse of the gap between her two front teeth.
"Where's Lola?" she asks sleepily, looking around.
I finally sit up, resting my elbows on my knees, and look around our campsite. Morrow is up on his feet, stretching out his back, and Plume sits serenely with her legs crossed as she braids her hair. "She must've gone to grab us some food or water," I reply, eyes scanning the area around us and seeing no sign of the Shadowweaver.