Page 8 of The Eternal Equinox
"I don't know how I would get you in there," I tell him honestly. "I'm surprised Himureal is even letting me see her. He's convinced that since I didn't freak out about him promising Viola to Kon and killing Loris, that I am firmly devoted to him. That has to be the only reason."
"If we can't get me in, can we get her out?"
"Go away, Zeph," Viola calls from her cell.
I've barely turned the corner and there is no way she sees me. "How'd you know it was me?"
She rolls over to look at the bars just as I come into sight. She taps her chest, the same place I felt so much pain recently. "I feel you, Zeph. We're connected now."
My stomach flips at the words. Isn't this what I wanted? I wanted to know that I would have Viola in my life, that we could be together.
I thought that was going to be in a romantic way, but instead, I was fated to be the one who builds her up and supports her through everything.
I push the tray through the slot in the bars for food, careful not to slosh the stew out of the bowl. "Please eat, you need your strength."
"I'm good, Zeph. You can go now."
"I'm not going anywhere," I say, sitting against the wall across from her prison cell. In the low light, I take in her form and how strong she looks, even if she is covered in grime. Her white hair, her hands with streaks of dark black running from her fingers up her wrist. "Why do you look so different?"
"Oh, what, am I not beautiful enough for you anymore now that I'm a God?" Her words drip with derision.
"That's not at allwhat I'm saying," I reply with a shrug. "I'm saying you're not the same woman who left that garrison, and I'm trying to figure out why. We had guessed that you took on Summer magic during your travels. Were we right?"
"Who's we?" She picks up the bowl and sits opposite me on the ground, taking small sips of the broth from the spoon.
"Oh, uh," I scrub my face with my hands and cast my eyes up at the ceiling. "Loris, Taegan, and I. Do you remember Loris?"
"Tall, odd looking bird man? Thinks I'm a God?"
I chuckle, shaking my head. "Bird man?"
"He looks like he has brittle, hollow bones."
"That's the one," I say sadly. "Taegan, his partner, is a Helios, and we both noticed our magic seemed stronger one night. Loris theorized that you absorbed Solarius' magic."
"Smart man. I also got Avidor's. Only missing Amryn's now." She drags the stale bread through the broth and takes a large, ungraceful bite, chewing with her mouth partially open. It's endearing, in a way. She sits before me, more God than human, and yet she's probably the least graceful person I've ever met. "That's why I look different, by the way. White hair from Himureal, rotted hands," she holds up her hands, the veins of them black with decay, leading down to solid black fingertips and nailbeds, "from Avidor. I've got a brand of sorts on my chest from Solarius."
"How'd your hair turn white? You've had that magic for a bit."
A dark shadow flashes over her face, and her eyes drop to the ground. "We're nottalking about that," she grinds out.
I back off, unwilling to shake the tenuous foundation our conversation has. "How did the others take your transformation?"
"Wanting to know how your brother is, Zeph?" I flush, glad that my beard covers a portion of my cheeks. She catches sight of it and smiles softly. "Despite how you left things, it's okay to ask. He's well," she says. I notice a glimmer in her eyes, a softness that normally isn't there. Her throat is splotchy with a ruddy color.
Is Viola Mistflow, an actual God … flustered? Is she blushing?
"Is he just well, Viola?" I say with a hint of amusement bleeding into my voice.
She levels me with a glare that could take down the strongest of men, and I burst out laughing. "You're together, aren't you?"
"Feels weird to discuss this with you," she says through a full mouth, her hand not holding a chunk of bread rubbing the back of her neck.
I search myself for residual jealousy, for anger at their closeness, and I don't find anything. It's strange. As recently as two or three days ago I felt like Viola was my true love, was my reason for being. I was willing to do or say anything to have her. But now that I know what the real connection between the two of us is those feelings have morphed into respect and admiration of my God.
"I think I'm okay with it. If you're comfortable, that is," I tell her honestly.
"We were good until I left. I'm notsure if we will be once I get back to him. He knew something like this was going to happen, and I thought I knew better." She pulls her legs up and rests her arms on her knees. "Fuck, he's going to be furious at me."