Page 13 of Whisper Wells
We enter the pubto more than a few stares. Caelan is obviously well known around here, judging by the waves and backslaps thrown his way by the handful of patrons milling about. There are more than a few appreciative eyes on him as well. I swear this man has no idea of his appeal. It’s almost criminal.
Gripping his hand tighter in mine, I glower at a few of the beings throwing the more lascivious stares, including one hulking giant of a being, possibly an orc, with thick leathery grey skin and an intimidating scar down his face who glares back menacingly. But I don’t back down. This man ismine, even if he doesn’t know it yet. And I don’t share.
Caelan drags me through the Tavern, weaving around the long wooden tables with expert efficiency. He barely gives me time to take in the place, too busy trying to not take out any of the beings drinking on their stools with our backpacks. I manage to see the booths, cosy little nooks built into the thick walls, the beautifully carved tables and the enormous fireplace that probably once served as a kitchen but is now set up as a comfortable gathering place with large overstuffed chairs and scattered small tables.
The stairs are probably my most favourite thing I manage to spy. They seem to be made of an ancient tree whose bare branches have been braided into a railing. It is stunning. And another day, another time, I would love to have more of a poke around, but right now our packs are knocking and jostling everyone as we go past, getting us a handful of filthy looks until Caelan successfully drags me to the long and dark wooden bar. Satisfaction rolls through me at the feel of his calloused, strong fingers in mine as his thumb unconsciously strokes my hand in his. Ineedto feel them on the rest of me.
The entire ride here I had been half hard, trapped in the cabin of his truck, completely enveloped in the smell of him. We had spent the day alternating between easy chatter and comfortable silence.
Caelan seemed to have an uncanny sixth sense of when I was slipping into unease or worry over Theo, managing to gently coax me back out with a story or a laugh. But no matter how comfortable we got, there was still this underlying tension. It felt like a rubber band pulled too tight, ready to snap. Honestly, we just need to fuck and get it over with. I don’t know what is holding Caelan back, but I need him to get over it. And then get over me. Or under me. I really am not fussy.
An incredibly short, plump woman with a round face that could only be described as jovial, with giant, gold-rimmed round glasses, shoves her way out a heavy-looking set of doors to the side of the bar to greet us. She is so short she actually has to jump on a stool to look at us properly over the bar top. She flips her long brown braids over her shoulder before reaching out topinch Caelan’s cheek.
“Caelan, my love! The winter has been too long! And who, I wonder, is this?” The woman gives a delighted little laugh at Caelan’s beet-red face. He looks like he wants to crawl under the bar and die, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly. Being the absolute knight in shining armour that I am, I reach across the bar with my free hand. Her grip is firm but not harsh as she shakes my hand, winking playfully.
“Hello.” I slip on my most charming smile. A little glamour to win over one of Caelan’s friends certainly can’t hurt. “I am Tor, Caelan’s…” I look at him out of the corner of my eye; he still has that choked, embarrassed kind of look, the poor thing. It’s tempting to double down on his torment by introducing myself as his future husband and mate. But I am hoping to break down his walls tonight, not push him over the edge. “Friend. I’m his friend. We were hoping to get a room?”
Mauvy leans her hip against the bar and crosses her arms across her ample chest, rosy cheeks beaming at me. “I do believe I can help you with that. AndCaelan, my dear, if you could quit gawping and tell me if you have any of your rose petal wine, I will even get you a late supper sent up too.”
Caelan finally comes to his senses, still blushing to his roots. “Case is still in the back of the truck. Is Roan about? I need a favour.”
Mauvy shakes her head, eyes owlish behind those thick glasses. “Sorry love, he’s still over at Twin Heads getting things organised now the roads are open. I’ll get you sorted though, not a worry.” She turns back to me and slides a heavy brass key across the bar. “You go get yourself sorted upstairs. I’ll deal with this one and send him up to you soon.” With a little wink and a loud clop of her hooves, she hops off her stool and waves Caelan to follow her. Not one to overlook a little luck, I swoop up our bags and hightail it to our room for the night.
The room is small, but cosy, a fire already crackling in the large wood-framed fireplace when I enter. Heavy wooden furniture in dark colours feature heavily in the room, making it seem smaller but not obtrusively. There are several small lamps lit, bathing the room in a golden glow, making it all seem rather intimate and cosy. Truly the most impressive thing in the room is the giant bed, with thick wooden posts and a deep green patchwork blanket, that dominates the space. I test it briefly, after dumping our bags in the corner and kicking off my boots before jumping to the centre, burrowing myself in. It is soft, but not too soft, and the pillows are like heaven. Hopefully, we’ll get to put it to good use. With that in mind, and the fact that we are looking at a two-week trek without any facilities, I wander to the bathroom to freshen up.
The rainfall shower isexactlywhat I need after a long day of shopping and driving through bumpy woodland terrain. It’s a real shame that the shower is so tiny; there is no chance of both Caelan and me fitting in here together. But a boy can dream, which I certainly do as I quickly wash my hair and then take a little extra time scrubbing every inch of my body.
I had left the door to the bathroom open slightly, hoping that maybe Caelan would take a curious peek inside when he returned. So maybe my hands stray a little longer, teasing my half hard cock as it swings heavy between my thighs, soaping up my chest and stomach until they quiver. But alas, either he is agentleman, or he isn’t back yet because I haven’t heard the door and I certainly haven’t seen him. Sulking only the tiniest bit, I step out of the shower and use one of the two towels available to quickly dry my hair and then tie it loosely around my waist.
As I pad back into the room, I see that Caelan actually has returned and is currently fidgeting by the fire, standing with his back to me, head see-sawing back and forth like he is arguing with himself. Double checking that the towel is secure, but still hangingjust soacross my hips, showing off an indecent amount of my pelvis and V dip, maybe enough for him to finally get the hint, I step into the room.
“Hey.” He startles at my greeting so hard he almost knocks over the small side table next to him, carrying a small charcuterie tray and a bottle of wine. I can see his swallow, throat bobbing in the dim light on the other side of the room, his eyes devouring me greedily, narrowing on the tie of my towel. My half hard cock grows thicker, tenting obscenely under the towel. He doesn’t miss it, and I make no move to cover myself further. Instead, I watch, mouth dry, as Caelan’s hands once again flex at his sides, his chest heaving like he is drowning for breath. My breath catches in my throat when his left hand rises as if he is going to reach for me, the tension so tight in my body I think I will snap. Until, in a blink, his hand jerks back, and he stuffs it tightly into his jeans pocket, the other hand gesturing to the table beside him.
“Uh, Mauvy, she uh, made us some stuff. I know it’s late, but…” He scrubs the back of his neck, pulling at the collar of his plaid flannel, a forest green one today that matches his eyes magnificently. Squaring my shoulders against his rejectionagain, I walk over and plop myself in one of the wooden chairs.
It’s late, just past ten, and we have to be up early, but I am also starving and this is our last chance for food that isn’t from one of the many little packets we bought today. They look gross, but I’m trying not to be a snob. At least this spread looks perfect. I pop a grape into my mouth, smiling as it bursts between my teeth, the sweetness hitting my tongue. I raise my eyebrow at Caelan, who hesitates for just a moment before taking the seat across from me.Good boy,I purr to myself and shuffle so my legs are threaded through his, his jeansrough on my bare thigh, sending a shiver up my spine. My cock jumps between my legs again. The tug on the towel is the last straw for the knot at my hip, the fabric falling open. But we continue to eat in relative silence, in the cocoon of our room, thesomethingbetween us simmering. Caelan pours us each a glass of the deep red wine. It’s nice, not too sweet or acidic, but we both stick to a single glass as we eat. Tomorrow is an early start and a hangover will do neither of us any good.
As soon as the meal is done, Caelan bolts for the bathroom, mumbling something about his last chance to clean up. Honestly, his awkwardness would be endearing if it wasn’t getting in the way of what I want. Him. Rolling my eyes, I settle on the bed, arranging myself to give a “casual seduction” vibe as I hear the shower running behind the closed bathroom door. I pile the pillows and lean back, one arm draped above my head, the other gently cupping my leaking dick beneath the towel artfully arranged over my one raised knee. I angle myself just so, my years posting thirst traps on the internet teaching me how to capture the light and position myself for maximum effect.And my parents had said it was a waste of time.
As the water shuts off and I can hear him messing around in the bathroom, my stomach drops, heat flooding my limbs. This is it. Either it works or I officially give up. The door creaks open, and Caelan-scented steam billows out. He steps out, dressed in only a black pair of boxer briefs, barely able to contain his rapidly filling cock. My eyes drag from his bare feet, up his hairy, muscular calves and thick thighs, up and over his soft but strong belly and wide furred chest up to his face. I wasn’t prepared. Not for the heat in his eyes, the way it burns me as he stalks towards the bed.
“Come here, Caelan.”
He slowly, painfully slowly, makes his way over and crawls onto the bed. The muscles in his arms tense from the restraint he is barely holding onto. One breath. Two. We stare again. There is no one to interrupt this time. I have no idea who reaches for who, but suddenly we are on fire. His lips slide against mine as we move together, fused as one. Caelan’s big strong hand slides behind my head, pulling slightly at my curls, angling me just right so he canplunder my mouth, biting and licking at my lips for me to open. My arms and legs snake around his body, rolling us so his weight is settled more directly on top of me, his hips between my thighs, the towel tangling between us, his dick hard and thick against mine, his head leaking from where it peeks out the top of his underwear. My own cock is just as hard and desperate, jerking and straining to meet his.
I moan into his mouth, our tongues finding each other again. I squirm restlessly beneath him, needing more. Breaking free, and drawing in ragged desperate breaths, I press hungry kisses to his neck and along his collarbone, hands and mouth tracing endlessly over his overheated, still damp skin, utterly bewitched by the way his hairy chest teases my nipples. Gods above, I adore a hairy man. One strong hand frames my jaw, pulling me back to him, holding me in place as he ravishes my mouth, my neck, kissing his way down to flick his tongue over first one nipple, and then the other.
“Gods, you are so beautiful Tor, I don’t know if I can ever stop touching you,” Caelan growls, his breath hot on my chest as he continues to bite and lick and mark me as his, as I moan and writhe and twist the sheets in my hands. Has anything ever felt as good as finally getting Caelan’s hands on me? Definitely not. He nuzzles the fine patch of hair trailing down to the towel tangled between us, his hot breath sizzling over my sensitive skin. He pauses for just a moment, and I notice his split second of hesitation, his evergreen eyes glazed with lust catching mine and questioning. I slide one hand down, threading my hand into his hair, tugging slightly.
“Yes,” I hiss as he kisses along the top of the towel, clinging on for life across my pelvis, before ripping it free.
My breath catches inmy throat as I desperately take in the sight of Tor’s pearl-sheened, purple skin against the white sheets. My skin feels too hot. Too tight. The need to touch him, consume him, devour every inch is riding me.
When has it ever been like this? This primal urge totake. My hands are shaking as I pause for a moment to pull my shit back together. To take him in, his heavy-lidded eyes, kiss-bruised lips, the sleek muscled lines of his chest bearing my marks, leading down to his cock currently straining towards his abs. His cock is just as beautiful as the rest of him, longer than mine, but not as thick, with a gentle curve. It’s darker purple than the rest of him, an impressively prolific amount of pre-cum leaking from the slit on his narrow head, a slick puddle pooling beneath him, lubricating his length.
Giving in to my desperation, I finally lean down and drag my tongue slowly through the patch, and up his length, his head grazing my cheek, the salty taste of him sending electricity through my veins. Tor convulses and swears underneath me, frantically jerking his hips, trying to find more contact. Done teasing us both, I take him in my mouth and swallow him whole, remembering at the last moment to relax my throat as I revel in the weight of him against my tongue.