Page 20 of Whisper Wells

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Page 20 of Whisper Wells

Taking advantage of my freedom, I swiftly swing the knife towards its muscular flank. But again, the fucking thing is too quick. Easily batting the knife out of my hand with its paw, the wolf snaps its massive jaws dangerously close to my face. A sliver of drool drips to my cheek when their wet snout presses against my nose, teeth bared in a vicious snarl.

The rivulet of drool slides down onto my neck, but I am too fucking terrified to be grossed out. I just want Tor to get out, to be safe. I’m not a small guy; surely I’m filling enough that he doesn’t have to take down Tor too.

Though, maybe the being is just a raging psycho and will kill him for the fun. Who fucking knows with wolf shifters? The wolf lets out a huff, again staring me down, clear golden eyes fixed on me.

Fear chokes my breath. I have to fight frantically to draw in a lungful of air. I expect to catch a mouthful of dog and fur, and the smell is there, but so is an underlying scent of something disturbingly familiar. A little spicy, a little sweet.Is that sage?All at once, a handful of memories smack me in the face.

Gold and grey wolf, amber eyes,that smell.

I am an idiot. A giant, raging,monumentalidiot.

Relief makes me dizzy and I can see the moment that the wolf pinning me down realises I recognise what,who, he is. Just as the laugh bubbling in my chest escapes me, burning up the last of the terror that had chilled my insides, an almighty force knocks the beast from my chest.

New panic seizes my throatagainas I watch Tor wrestle the wolf where he tackled him several feet from where I still lie prone on the Woods floor. Cursing, I quickly scramble to my feet as the wolf wriggles out of Tor’s grasp and regains its footing. I realise with horror that he was only playing before, but the games are over and he, the wolf, means business. His hackles are raised, wide shoulders set to pounce as his mammoth head tracks Tor jumping nimbly to his feet and crouching low in a fighting stance.

There is a flash near Tor’s hand.My fucking knife. He must’ve picked it up when it was knocked out of my hands. Shit.Shitty shitty shit shit.Things are escalating wildly out of control. I run my hands through my hair, tugging at thestrands as I watch the blast from my past snarling and growling at my present and future, who looks ready to rip the animal apart with his bare hands.

I have never seen Tor like this, his features hard, face drawn into a fierce scowl. I canseethe power shimmering off him as he stares down the wolf. There is a menacing rumble, so low but powerful I feel it shake through me and I glance over at the wolf edging closer and give him a hard glare, which he duly ignores.

There is only a moment to intervene before shit gets really bad. I drop the heavy pack from my shoulders and run to Tor, grabbing his hand with the blade tight in my fist. I can feel Tor’s resistance to my hold, the way he turns; he is trying to twist and turn his hand out of my grip. Thankfully, despite his powers and the magic I can feel crackling around him, I’m stronger. He can’t remove my hand without hurting me, something I know, down to the very pits of my being, that is something he would rather die than do.

His usually pale blue eyes are dark and stormy as he turns his scowl to me, his nostrils flared, breath in short, sharp breaths. He is more than ready for action.

“Tor, baby, I need you to listen.I know him. Please, drop the knife.” Still, he tries to pull his hand out from mine, grunting an odd sort of snort. His chest bumps hard into mine with his aggressive step forward. The answering rumbling growl at his advance has my blood spiking in my ears. My free hand captures his, the one flexing by his side, lacing our fingers together. Not going to lie, it is just another way to keep myself between them both and get him to stay put.

“He tried to fucking kill you, Caelan.” Tor refuses to meet my gaze. Instead, his focus is centred solely on the perceived threat over my shoulder. His usually icy blue eyes are stained an intense dark blue beneath his scowl. The wolf must be taunting him, which surprises me not at all, because his already shaky breathing quakes again with rage and a red flush heats his face. His voice is hard and gravelly, an ice-cold edge sharpening his words. “You’re mine, Caelan.Mine. And he tried tokill you! He can’t get away with that! I am going totear him limb from limb!”

Tor’s emotions ratchet up a few thousand notches as he works himself into a state, spitting the threats over my shoulder at the wolf, who barks back in a waythat Iknowis antagonistic. He never fucking learnt, apparently. I loosen my grip on Tor’s fingers and I stroke up his arm, noting the rigid tension in his muscles. He’sstillprepared to attack. I continue stroking up to palm his jaw, none too gently forcing him to look at me again.

“Babe, ashotas the murderous possessiveness is, and trust me, it really is. We can explore that another time. This doofus wasnottrying to kill me. He was just being a dick.” I caress his jaw with my thumb, keeping his eyes locked on me until his breathing slows and I can feel the almost imperceptible relaxing of his body.

“There we go.” I press my lips against his, gripping his jaw to angle his head just right to take advantage of the adrenaline pumping through him.

Tor quickly seizes on the redirect, dropping the knife and digging both of his hands tightly into my scalp. He deepens the kiss, nipping at my lip, tugging at it before delving into my mouth. His tongue rubs against mine, torturous and teasing. My now free hand wraps around his hip, gripping his ass to grind him into my rapidly filling cock.

The adrenaline of the moment, thinking I was about to die, seeing Tor face down a fucking wolf shifter, has me buzzing and all I want is to throw him down and—

“I take offence to that, you know.”Oh shit. He’s still here, isn’t he? I pull apart from Tor and rest my forehead against his, both of us trying desperately to regain control of our panting breath. “And Cae babe, you know if I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead all the way back at the crossroads at the rock point.” Well shit, he’d been following us all day, the creepy bastard. I turn to look at the former wolf, now anextremelynaked man, standing in the middle of the path with exactly zero shame.

“Seff Harroway. I would say it’s good to see you, but then I would be lying.” I step forward for a moment and then pause, remembering Tor is behind me, so I step slightly to the side, to block his sight of the incredibly jacked, naked man before us.


Seff is a sightto behold. Taller than both of us, tanned golden skin, wide shoulders, sculpted muscles, thick thighs, square jaw with a dusting of stubble andgiant cockcurrently justwaving in the fucking wind, all wrapped in a layer of golden furry man hair that would usually be entirely my kinda thing, if he wasn’t currently staring at Caelan like he is a fucking snack he is all too hungry to eat. Entirely inappropriate, considering he had just tried to eat his fucking face off. Or pretended to, at least.

I take a deep breath and try to control my breathing and settle the incandescent rage firing through my body. If you had asked me two weeks ago if I was a fighter, I would have laughed in your face. But the idea of tearing this asshole apart felt like areallygood idea. And if he doesn’t stop eye fucking Caelan, I still might.

He throws back his head and lets out a too-loud laugh at Caelan’s barb, shaking his shaggy mess of sandy brown hair, and waves it off.

“Pshaw, Caelan, you’re always giving me shit. You love me, you know you do. I’ve missed you, man, it’s beenwaytoo long.” He moves towards us, arms thrown wide as if he is going to embrace Caelan. That violent, hot rage floods my blood again, and I can feel my wings twitching in their slits, only the thick layers of my clothes keeping them contained as my vision clouds red.

There is a snarling sound, and suddenly Caelan is behind me.Shit, was that me? I can feel the tension in my face pulled into a sneer, and yeah, that is me snarling like a fucking animal. Caelan’s hand strokes my fist tight against his shirt where I have apparently grabbed him, holding him tight behind me.

“Tor, babe, I really need you to relax, ok? I promise, it’s all good.” His gentle whisper, like a soft caress, soothes some of the tension winding through my body. It’s not enough though, to completely smother the savagery in me, until he presses a kiss, featherlight, over my neck, brushing his nose along the same place.

Calm. I can feel his calm centering me, his touch grounding me. With a lung-clearing breath, I giveSeffone last glare before finally relaxing my body, allowing Caelan to move to my side. But I still keep my hand lightly on his back. I need his touch. I need him.

Seff, to his credit, has enough sense to halt his approach, a far more wary expression taking over from the easy, dopey smile he’d had before.

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